How do I remove the Nulls in my output?

  • CREATE TABLE #Total_Count

    (NUM_DEATHS_1870 numeric (8,0), NUM_DEATHS_1880 numeric(8,0))

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870)


    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = '1870')

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1880)


    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = 1880)



    612 NULL

    NULL 720

  • Your posted DLL is not complete. So nobody can run your code to see how it works. Creation and insert statements are needed for [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    How do you remove the nulls? Don't put them there in the first place!;-)

    Add NOT NULL to each column in your table definitions.

    Add 0's to your insert statements where there is no data.

    Use IsNull and/or coalesce to convert nulls to something else in the query.

    How to Post to get the most:

  • (NUM_DEATHS_1870 numeric (8,0) Not Null, NUM_DEATHS_1880 numeric(8,0) Not Null)

    How would I add 0's to INSERT?

  • CREATE TABLE #Total_Count

    (NUM_DEATHS_1870 numeric (8,0) NOT NULL, NUM_DEATHS_1880 numeric(8,0) NOT NULL)

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870)


    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = '1870')

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1880)


    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = 1880)

    Here's my output

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 21

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'NUM_DEATHS_1880', table 'tempdb.dbo.#Total_Count________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000014'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    The statement has been terminated.

    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 28

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'NUM_DEATHS_1870', table 'tempdb.dbo.#Total_Count________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000014'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    The statement has been terminated.

    (0 row(s) affected)

  • INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870, NUM_DEATHS_1880)

    (SELECT COUNT (*), 0

    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = '1870')

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870, NUM_DEATHS_1880)

    (SELECT 0, COUNT (*)

    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = 1880)

    How to Post to get the most:

  • I'm learning SQL and much respect for those who program in SQL. Thank you. I learned something. My solution will paint me into a corner. My goal was to declare variables I could use throughout my program. Declaring failed to work beyond doing a routine. I was going to make temp tables and call out the value from the table using select statements. Failure is the best teacher. I get the basic stuff. I could see what your solution did. SQL moves from simple to very complex.

  • Study up on constraints as well as Foreign Keys. These help keep the "bad" data out of the database regardless of where the data is coming from.

    As you saw on your own example, the insert was rejected because of the NOT NULL constraint. This means that any program, not just yours, that tries to insert a data element that is NULL will be rejected!

    The easy stuff in SQL is easy. The rest just takes time, study and experience and learning to think about problems in a completely different way.

    How to Post to get the most:

  • CREATE TABLE #Total_Count

    (NUM_DEATHS_1870 numeric (8,0), NUM_DEATHS_1880 numeric(8,0))

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870, NUM_DEATHS_1880)

    (SELECT COUNT (*), 0

    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = '1870')

    INSERT INTO #Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870, NUM_DEATHS_1880)

    (SELECT 0, COUNT (*)

    FROM [dbo].[1870_1880_DAT]

    WHERE YR_Died = 1880)

    SELECT *

    FROM #Total_Count




    What I was trying for was

    612 720

  • What I was trying for was

    612 720

    Now we get to the crux of the issue. The null thing was a red herring. It had nothing to do with what you were actually looking for. It did not matter if there was a null or 0. You have a formatting question.

    So for future posts, please read this:

    Here is what your post should look like:

    declare @Total_Count table


    NUM_DEATHS_1870 numeric(8,0) NOT NULL

    , NUM_DEATHS_1880 numeric(8,0) NOT NULL


    declare @1870_1880_DAT table


    Yr_Died int


    Insert @1870_1880_DAT (yr_died) values






    To populate the total_count table, you are in essence de-normalizing your 1870_1880 table. If that is what you really want to do, then this should do it:

    Insert into @Total_Count (NUM_DEATHS_1870, NUM_DEATHS_1880)


    (Select COUNT(*) from @1870_1880_DAT where Yr_Died = 1870),

    (Select COUNT(*) from @1870_1880_DAT where Yr_Died = 1880))

    SELECT * from @Total_Count

    As you can see, this query is a maintenance problem. You should have a table called Deaths with the column Yr_Died. The table can be populated with any year. A different table does not need to be created (or should be) for different ranges of years. You can create queries that require minimal maintenance like this:

    select yr_died, COUNT(*) Total

    from @1870_1880_DAT

    group by Yr_Died

    order by Yr_Died desc

    But of course, I am just speculating here based on what has been posted. I could be way off base, but the basic principles still hold true.

    How to Post to get the most:

  • ...snipped...

    As you can see, this query is a maintenance problem. You should have a table called Deaths with the column Yr_Died. The table can be populated with any year. A different table does not need to be created (or should be) for different ranges of years. You can create queries that require minimal maintenance like this:

    select yr_died, COUNT(*) Total

    from @1870_1880_DAT

    group by Yr_Died

    order by Yr_Died desc

    But of course, I am just speculating here based on what has been posted. I could be way off base, but the basic principles still hold true.

    This would definitely better a better and more maintainable approach. As the data population grows into other years, then this query would work WITHOUT modification; other would require modification for every year data was added.

    Having a mind for data (set-based operations) is helpful here...

  • PIVOT -

    SELECT [1870], [1880]


    (select yr_died

    from @1870_1880_DAT ) AS SourceTable

    --GROUP BY EJTranID, BranchID




    FOR yr_died IN ( [1870], [1880])

    ) AS PivotTable;

  • There's alway that smart ***:-) I'm impressed by your knowledge of SQL. I didn't know this option existed. Honestly much of your code and the logic of your solution escapes me. It's fragments, like this this, that suggest to me there is so much to learn. I also, find myself intimidated. I have been able you learn just enough SQL to appreciate the immensity of knowledge and creativity you and others have of SQL. Thanks both for your solution and for enticing me intellectually. May what you have given me will become part of a Rosetta that will aid me in understanding SQL.

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