How do I do this in SQL Server please........

  • "How do I do this in SQL Server please........"

  • Tony, its a shame that sushila actually took time off to work and missed the fray. A sharp brain and quick wit. When engaging her in a battle of wits one never feels as if he entered a duel with a one armed person ( sushila notice the gender netural noun).

    You guys always have all the fun when I am not around.


  • btw - I started another thread over in DTS ...

    On your marks!

    Get set!


  • Mike - who's one-armed and why ?!

    Ray - yes indeed - everyone has a distinct t-sql style - I recognized yours' even though you hid behind the innocuous "M" didn't I ?!

    Tony - you are forbidden from testing our speed on a Friday and weekends!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Mike - who's one-armed and why ?!

    Perhaps moi the last time I claimed to be a wit my son claimed that I was 1/2 right.


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