how can i write this query

  • i have what i think is a fairly simple query need - but still a bit beyond me

    i have a table called message

    messageid, authorid, recipientid, messagetext, creationdate

    i want to display a results set where only the most recent message from each author to a given recipient is displayed.

    so let's say I am 'fred'. i want the most recent message from each person who has sent to me.

    ------------------- messages to fred

    from           message                date

    charles        hey buddy            3:24pm

    beth           what's up?!           3:22pm

    alex            get my message?   2:18pm


    So Beth could have sent many messages after alex, but only the last one is shown. And the final result set is sorted by time, desc.

    I can get this far:

    select select AuthorId, max(creationdate) as creationdate

    from message where recipientid = @recipient

    group by authorid

    order by creationdate desc

    But how to get the messagetext in there?

    thanks for any help.

  • I see for some reason my previous reply didn't get posted.

    In the past I've been careful to include a RecordsID field in these sort of tables. The Records ID is set to the table Identity field and therefore this number auto-increments for each new record giving it an unique and time aware ID.

    There is probably no reason why you can't add such a field to your table now. Once this field is added then the query simply becomes:

    select AuthorID, creationdate, messagetext

    from messages where recipientid = @recipient

    and recordID



    select Max(RecordID)



    group by Authorid



    Good Hunting!

  • I've just written this, and then just read Dan's post. I've assumed messageid is an identity, but have not assumed records are entered in date order.

    I guess use the one where the assumptions match your reality.


    declare @message table (messageid int identity(1, 1), authorid varchar(10), recipientid varchar(10),

        messagetext varchar(20), creationdate datetime)

    insert @message

              select 'charles', 'fred', 'hey buddy', '20060717 3:24pm'

    union all select 'beth', 'fred', 'what''s up?!', '20060717 3:22pm'

    union all select 'beth', 'fred', 'a', '20060717 2:22pm'

    union all select 'beth', 'fred', 'b', '20060717 2:25pm'  --note: inserted out of time order

    union all select 'alex', 'fred', 'c', '20060717 1:18pm'

    union all select 'alex', 'fred', 'd', '20060717 2:18pm' --note: same time as latest, but we don't want it

    union all select 'alex', 'fred', 'get my message?', '20060717 2:18pm'


    select authorid as 'from', messagetext as 'message', creationdate as 'date'

    from @message a

    where messageid in

        (select top 1 messageid from @message where authorid = a.authorid

        order by creationdate desc, messageid desc)


    from       message              date                                                  

    ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

    charles    hey buddy            2006-07-17 15:24:00.000

    beth       what's up?!          2006-07-17 15:22:00.000

    alex       get my message?      2006-07-17 14:18:00.000


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Assuming (stupidly I know) that the MessageId is an identity column and is the primary key this is how I'd tackle it:




    Messages t


    (select max(MessageId) as MessageId

    from Messages s group by AuthorId) as s on t.MessageId = s.MessageId


    Good luck



  • You guys rock.

    Thanks - i think all of your versions would probably work but ended up using this:




    p5_Message t join


    select max(MessageId) as MessageId


    p5_Message s group by AuthorId)


    s on t.MessageId = s.MessageId


    t.RecipientId = @RecipientId

    order by t.creationdate

    Works like a charm.

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