How can I get around using ntext data type in SP?

  • Can anyone tell me how to get around the limitation of using ntext in a stored proc? I am trying to create a SP in SQL Server that reads in a field from the database of type ntext, but when I try to create the stored procedure below I am given the following error:

    Error 2739: The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables.

    I cannot change the data type because this database belongs to another company we are developing for. We are trying to compare the length of a file's contents with that of a field in the database and only use the one which is larger. The stored procedure I am writing is below:

    CREATE PROCEDURE spCompareFile2Field @input varchar(128), @output varchar(128), @tbl varchar(32), @fld varchar(32), @where varchar(256) = ''
    set nocount on
    declare @fso int, @ifile int, @ofile int, @ret int, @oret int, @line varchar(8000), @fblen int, @dblen int, @filecont ntext, @dbfld ntext

    set @filecont = ''
    create table #fbody (fcontent ntext NULL)
    create table #dbody (dcontent ntext NULL)
    exec sp_oacreate 'scripting.filesystemobject', @fso out
    exec sp_oamethod @fso, 'opentextfile', @ifile out, @input, 1
    exec sp_oamethod @fso, 'createtextfile', @ofile out, @output, 1
    exec @ret = sp_oamethod @ifile, 'readline', @line out
    while(@ret = 0)
    set @filecont = @filecont + @line
    exec @ret = sp_oamethod @ifile, 'readline', @line out
    insert into #fbody values (@filecont)
    insert into #dbody exec('select ' + @fld + ' from ' + @tbl + ' ' + @where)
    select @fblen = (select datalength(fcontent) from #fbody)
    select @dblen = (select datalength(dcontent) from #dbody)
    select @fblen as fblen, @dblen as dblen
    if(@fblen > @dblen)
    exec('update ' + @tbl + ' set ' + @fld + '=''' + @filecont + ''' ' + @where)
    print 'table was updated with contents of the input file'
    select @dbfld = (select dcontent from #dbody)
    exec @oret = sp_oamethod @ofile, 'write', NULL, @dbfld
    print 'file was updated with contents of the database field'
    drop table #fbody
    drop table #dbody

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Unfortunately you cannot declare a variable for use of those types for use. You will have to use a char or varchar type if possible for your data.

  • I kinda figured that... however, I did come up with an idea you may be able to help me with. I noticed you can pass ntext datatypes so I decided to call a SP with all the same parameters. This SP will just pull the field and then call a second SP passing the field (which is ntext). Here let me show you what I was think...

    CREATE PROCEDURE spGetDBField @input varchar(128), @output varchar(128), @tbl varchar(32), @fld varchar(32), @where varchar(256) = ''
    set nocount on
    declare @cmd varchar(1024)
    set @cmd = 'spCompareFile2Field ''' + @input + ''', ''' + @output + ''', exec(select ' + @fld + ' from ' + @tbl + ' ' + @where + '), ''' + @tbl + ''', ''' + @fld + ''', ''' + @where + ''''

    The problem is, I don't know how to pull the field and pass it in the call to the second SP. Any suggestions?

    By the way, thanks for responding so fast!

  • Unfortunately, you hit on the one thing we all have tried to figure out. You can put the data into a varchar(8000) but if it goes over 8000 you cannot pass in. You also cannot concatinate strings into an SP input/output variable. Sorry, I think most everyone has come across and not been able to use this.

    Edited by - antares686 on 01/24/2003 1:56:38 PM

  • Thanks for your help. I guess I'll just try and change the functionality.

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