How can disabled and enable constraints in sql Server 2000

  • How can disabled and enable constraints in sql Server 2000

  • If the future pleas post questions regarding to SQL Server 2000 in a SQL Server 2000 forum and not in a SQL Server 2005 forum.

    You can do it with alter table statement . If you’ll look up alter table statement in BOL (the help file that is installed when you install SQL Server), you’ll get an explanation and an example that enable/disable constraint.


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  • When I load a test database using dts in ss 2000, I run the following first:

    sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all"


    sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? DISABLE TRIGGER all"


    After the dts is done, I run:

    sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all"


    sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? ENABLE TRIGGER all"


    The use of the word CHECK twice in the re-enabling was something that I had to track down so that my Sql Compare would display correctly.

    There should be a word of caution about disabling contraints. Since this is run on a test database and is run after hours, I feel comfortable using it.


  • Hi

    If i use sp_msforeachtable commands within DTS as one of the step, its not unchecking the constraints. If i execute it in query analyser its working.


  • I'm not sure about doing it within Dts, but if you create a Sql Server Agent job with 3 steps it works. The first step is disabling constraints, the second step runs the Dts, and the third step re-enables the constraints.


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