horizontal recordset to vertical recordset

  • I would like to take the results of an sql statement that are returned horizontally and place them in a vertical order.  For example,

    SELECT Top 1 LastName, FirstName, Gender, Age

    FROM Client

    The standard results would look something like:

    LastName   FirstName      Gender      Age

    Smith         Joe                 M           32

    Is there a way, without using a cursor where the results could instead be displayed as:

    FieldName     Value

    LastName      Smith

    FirstName       Joe

    Gender           M

    Age               32


    This really should be a function that will accept a recordset with a variety of possible column headers.  One recordset may have 4 columns and another may have 10, but all would return only one data record.

    I have tried using syscolumns, but haven't been able to get it to work.



  • I am using the SQL Server 2005 CTP and it has some nice new TSQL features like PIVOT and UNPIVOT which take care of this very nicely.  However, I have not found a way to do this within SQL Server 2000 or earlier.  When I have really needed to do this I ended up creating a pivot table in Excel using a data link to SQL Server and doing it that way.

  • Unfortunatelly you have to perform a union

    Select 'First Name' as FieldName, FirstName as Value

    From mytable

    where id = 1


    Select 'Last Name', LastName

    From mytable

    where id = 1

    Select 'Gender', Gender

    From mytable

    where id = 1

    Select 'Age', Age

    From mytable

    where id = 1

  • Does this work for you?

    USE tempdb

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.MyPivot'), 'IsUserTable') = 1

      DROP TABLE dbo.MyPivot;


    CREATE TABLE dbo.MyPivot


     ID    INT   NOT NULL

    , LastName  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    , FirstName  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    , Gender  CHAR(1)  NOT NULL




    INSERT INTO MyPivot VALUES (1, 'Smith','Joe','M',32)

    INSERT INTO MyPivot VALUES (2, 'Baker','Mary','F',26)

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#MySchema


      objectid  INT          NOT NULL,

      attribute NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL

      PRIMARY KEY (objectid, attribute)



    -- This assumes the ID is Ordinal_Position = 1 and isn't required in the output

    INSERT INTO dbo.#MySchema

    SELECT Ordinal_Position, Column_Name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_Name='MyPivot' AND Ordinal_Position > 1 ;


    SELECT attribute, MyValue =

     CASE attribute

      WHEN 'LastName' THEN CAST(LastName as SQL_VARIANT)

      WHEN 'FirstName' THEN CAST(FirstName as SQL_VARIANT)

      WHEN 'Gender' THEN CAST(Gender as SQL_VARIANT)



    FROM #MySchema  CROSS JOIN MyPivot

    ORDER BY ID, Objectid

    DROP TABLE dbo.#MySchema;

  • That would work except for the fact that it needs to be dynamic.  It is quite possible the names and number of columns to be converted would be different from one run to the next.

  • i searched for "pivot" here on SSC, and found a number of script contributions; you should look at those as well;

    this link looked promising: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/contributions/1038.asp


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I have added the dynamic element you need, hopefully this will be closer to what you need.

    Youwill need to know the name of the field which uniquely identifies each row in the input table or view.

    USE Tempdb


    --Create the Data

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.MyData'), 'IsUserTable') = 1

      DROP TABLE dbo.MyData;


    CREATE TABLE dbo.MyData


     ID    INT   NOT NULL

    , LastName  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    , FirstName  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    , Gender  CHAR(1)  NOT NULL




    INSERT INTO MyData VALUES (1, 'Smith','Joe','M',32)

    INSERT INTO MyData VALUES (2, 'Baker','Mary','F',26)


    -- Create stored proc which will create the pivoted table

    -- Input Parameters

    --  1 name of the table or view containing the data

    -- 2  Field Name which will uniquely identify each row in table or view(only 1 in this example)

    -- 3 name of the output table

    CREATE PROC #usp_Pivot


     @Table VARCHAR(40)

    , @ID VARCHAR(40)

    , @Pivot  VARCHAR(40)

    ) AS


     @Sql varchar(8000)

    , @Cnt int

    ,  @Max int

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('MyPivot'), 'IsUserTable') = 1

        EXECUTE ('DROP TABLE ' + @Pivot )

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#MySchema


       objectid  INT          NOT NULL,

       attribute NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL

       PRIMARY KEY (objectid, attribute)


    -- Timmestamp cannot be converted to string so is excluded, maybe others?

    INSERT INTO dbo.#MySchema

     SELECT Ordinal_Position, Column_Name


     WHERE table_Name = @Table AND data_type <> 'TIMESTAMP'

    SET  @Max = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #MySchema)

    SET  @Cnt = 1

    SET  @Sql = 'SELECT ' + @ID + ' , attribute, MyValue =

         CASE objectid'

     WHILE @Cnt < @max-2 + 1


       SET @Sql = @Sql + ' WHEN ' + CAST(@Cnt AS char(3)) + ' THEN CAST('

       SET @Sql = @Sql + (SELECT attribute FROM #MySchema WHERE objectid = @Cnt)

       SET @Sql = @Sql + ' as SQL_VARIANT) '

       SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1


     SET @Sql = @Sql + 'END

        INTO ' + @Pivot + '

        FROM #MySchema  CROSS JOIN ' + @Table + '

        ORDER BY ' + @ID + ' , objectid;'   

    EXECUTE (@Sql);

    DROP TABLE dbo.#MySchema;


    -- End Stored proc creation

    -- Run the stored proc

    EXEC #usp_Pivot 'MyData','ID','MyPivot'

    DROP PROCEDURE #usp_Pivot

    -- display the pivot info

    SELECT * FROM MyPivot

  • Sorry small error, left in the literal 'MyPivot' instead of @Pivot.

    USE Tempdb


    --Create the Data

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.MyData'), 'IsUserTable') = 1

      DROP TABLE dbo.MyData;


    CREATE TABLE dbo.MyData


     ID    INT   NOT NULL

    , LastName  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    , FirstName  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    , Gender  CHAR(1)  NOT NULL




    INSERT INTO MyData VALUES (1, 'Smith','Joe','M',32)

    INSERT INTO MyData VALUES (2, 'Baker','Mary','F',26)


    -- Create stored proc which will create the pivoted table

    -- Input Parameters

    --  1 name of the table or view containing the data

    -- 2  Field Name which will uniquely identify each row in table or view(only 1 in this example)

    -- 3 name of the output table

    CREATE PROC #usp_Pivot


     @Table VARCHAR(40)

    , @ID VARCHAR(40)

    , @Pivot  VARCHAR(40)

    ) AS


     @Sql varchar(8000)

    , @Cnt int

    ,  @Max int

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@Pivot), 'IsUserTable') = 1

        EXECUTE ('DROP TABLE ' + @Pivot )

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#MySchema


       objectid  INT          NOT NULL,

       attribute NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL

       PRIMARY KEY (objectid, attribute)


    -- Timmestamp cannot be converted to string so is excluded, maybe others?

    INSERT INTO dbo.#MySchema

     SELECT Ordinal_Position, Column_Name


     WHERE table_Name = @Table AND data_type <> 'TIMESTAMP'

    SET  @Max = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #MySchema)

    SET  @Cnt = 1

    SET  @Sql = 'SELECT ' + @ID + ' , attribute, MyValue =

         CASE objectid'

     WHILE @Cnt < @max-2 + 1


       SET @Sql = @Sql + ' WHEN ' + CAST(@Cnt AS char(3)) + ' THEN CAST('

       SET @Sql = @Sql + (SELECT attribute FROM #MySchema WHERE objectid = @Cnt)

       SET @Sql = @Sql + ' as SQL_VARIANT) '

       SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1


     SET @Sql = @Sql + 'END

        INTO ' + @Pivot + '

        FROM #MySchema  CROSS JOIN ' + @Table + '

        ORDER BY ' + @ID + ' , objectid;'   

    EXECUTE (@Sql);

    DROP TABLE dbo.#MySchema;


    -- End Stored proc creation

    -- Run the stored proc

    EXEC #usp_Pivot 'MyData','ID','MyPivot'

    DROP PROCEDURE #usp_Pivot

    -- display the pivot info

    SELECT * FROM MyPivot


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