history forecast data

  • I have been told to find the forecast in history (i.e i took report that ran in last october and saw the forecast for november and december).

    now i need to find an exact match for the forecast in that report and the data in our database using month table and monthhistory table and there are many other tables to join too...

    I have done similar to this earlier but not history in forecast ,i found match for current year forecast and next year forecast using the below query .

    now ,i have been told to use history tables to find the match for forecast in the history,its little tricky .the monthhistory and abchistory tables have the history data for editdate like who edited the tables and when it has happend...and our fiscalyear starts from april to april...

    if anyone has done something similar to this can you please share your ideas...

  • I am using this query to get the forecast that i can compare with forecast in history report which ran on oct 2009 .i am getting error arthematic flow since there will be more data in history tables ...even if i don't get the error i am not sure i will get exact match...

    please can any one tell me how should i proceed ...i am not sure weather i am going in right direction or not...

  • can anyone please give me any ideas on this topic it is tricky one from my side....

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