historic of a database

  • Hi,

    I we have an important database, and i want to save the informations related to this database in a table.

    For example ;

    1-who accessed ? and when?

    2-which query did he made?

    3-which tables did he created or deleted or....etc.

    Maybe there is a better method to do this than saving into a table. But i don't know.

    Any ideas ?


  • Sounds like you are looking for a pretty serious audit solution. There are some that like to home-grow theirs but that can be a bit tedious and ultimately you will own a lot of work with that. There are some good products out there that do this. The one I am familiar with is Lumigent.

    Also, you can do a search on Auditing on this site and there are several articles that can help you work out your own solution.

    It seemed like you might want to do "select" auditing which would include information about every query run against that database. If so, be prepared as that is very resource intensive.

    Have fun with the research and post back here with questions / problems.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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