Hide groups in SSRS

  • I have groups and subgroups like A->B->C. Subgroup B is toggled by group A and subgroup C is toggled with subgroup B. If subgroup B does not comes with a value then subgroup B should be hidden and A->C should be shown. How can I do it.

  • What do you exactly mean by groups/subgroups? Are you talking about the report items or the users/windows groups for setting permissions..

    Can you explain the scenario in detail, may be using some real time example..

  • I am returning a table from database which contains customers and their bills paid. In SSRS, I make groups. First is "customer" which opens up to another subgroup of "month" which opens up for "bills paid" and then at last the details.I have two options to show report. One is "Customer->Month->Bils Paid" and second is "Customer->Bills Paid".How can I hide the month subgroup as the toggle item for bills paid subgroup is month.

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