Hex to String

  • Hi,

    I have SQL 2008 Express version and in one of the table there is a hex value data. If the data is converted to string it displays some type of description in string. For example, the hex code: -536805679 converted should read: Incorrect Function. I tried the scripts below, but it didn't work. Any idea?

    CAST( HexVal AS nvarchar(127)) AS HexErrorCode,

    cast(cast(HexVal as varbinary(max)) as nvarchar(max)) ,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), HexVal ),

    Thanks in advance,

  • Declare @cmds Nvarchar(MAX)

    Declare @obfoo varbinary(MAX)

    Set @cmds = '

    PRINT ''This binary string will execute "SELECT * FROM SYS.OBJECTS":''



    Set @obfoo = CAST(@cmds as varbinary(MAX))

    Select @obfoo

    select '

    declare @_ as varbinary(max)

    set @_ =' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@obfoo) + '

    exec (@_)'


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