help with xml nodes shredded to columns

  • I need to shred some xml out into different columns based on an attribute value(code) but can't figure out a way to do basic xml is below. I need to take each node and if it's an architect make that it's own column, owner another, etc. Keeping all the values for each node associated correctly and returning a column if the node isn't there, for instance not all of the nodes will have both owner and architect but I still need to return that column. CAN ANYONE HELP?? I've been working on this for a while now.

    had to use brackets because I couldn't get it to post






    [contact-role code= "00001"]Owner (Public)[/contact-role]




    [contact-role code= "00002"]Architect[/contact-role]






  • OK, here's one possible solution, but with a caveat. I'm not a fan of the

    query('./../../{somenode}') syntax. Although it works, I've seen some awful performance with climbing back up a relative path. Other than that, just replace the curly braces below with the proper XML tag bondaries and off you go...

    declare @wodge xml

    select @wodge = '{reports}





    {contact-role code= "00001"}Owner (Public){/contact-role}




    {contact-role code= "00002"}Architect{/contact-role}







    {contact-role code= "00001"}Owner (Public){/contact-role}








    {contact-role code= "00002"}Architect{/contact-role}



    {/reports} '

    declare @contacts table (contactCodevarchar(20)





    insert into @contacts-- because you don't want to have to shred the XML more often than you have to

    select pc.value('(./contact-role/@code)[1]','varchar(20)') as contactRole

    ,pc.value('(./contact-role)[1]','varchar(20)') as contactRole

    ,pc.value('(./../../title)[1]','varchar(20)') as title

    ,pc.query('.') as projectContactXMLnode

    from @wodge.nodes('/reports/report/project-contact-information/project-contact') as X1(pc)

    select t1.title, c1.projectContactXMLnode as Owner, c2.projectContactXMLnode as Architect



    select title.value('(.)[1]','varchar(20)') as title

    from @wodge.nodes('/reports/report/title') as X1(title)

    ) as t1

    left outer join @contacts c1

    on c1.title = t1.title

    and c1.contactCode = '00001'

    left outer join @contacts c2

    on c2.title = t1.title

    and c2.contactCode = '00002'

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