Help with understanding a WHERE clause

  • Hi All,

    Working on SQL Server 2005.

    Have a query that has a WHERE clause as follows:

    WHERE (Documents.Flags & 0x18)=0

    Can someone please explain the & 0x18 part which I have no idea on. The field Flags is a BigInt field

    Thanks in advance


  • That is a bitwise "AND" and will return rows where both bits 4 and 5 are zero


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  • Denesh Naidoo (8/23/2010)

    Hi All,

    Working on SQL Server 2005.

    Have a query that has a WHERE clause as follows:

    WHERE (Documents.Flags & 0x18)=0

    Can someone please explain the & 0x18 part which I have no idea on. The field Flags is a BigInt field

    Thanks in advance


    someone is using the bigint field Documents.Flags as multiple yes/no flags.

    a bigint, when mapped to a biniary flags, might look like this:

    --0x18 as 32 bit binary map...big int of 32 more zeros not needed.


    you'll have to get witht he developers to come up with what each of the 0/1 yes/no bit flags mean...this is one of the "non-no"s of a DBMS system, storing more than one value in a single field, but it's actually used a lot.

    here's a way to map any single value to a 0/1 to a visual map like i demo-ed above;

    DECLARE @IntVal int;

    SET @IntVal = 0x18; --the value to map

    WITH CTE (IntVal, BinVal, FinalBin) AS

    (SELECT @IntVal IntVal, @IntVal % 2 BinVal, CONVERT(varchar(MAX),@IntVal % 2) FinalBin


    SELECT IntVal / 2, (IntVal / 2) % 2, CONVERT(varchar(MAX),(IntVal / 2) % 2) + FinalBin FinalBin


    WHERE IntVal / 2 > 0)

    SELECT right('0000000000000000000000000000000' + FinalBin ,31)


    WHERE IntVal =

    (SELECT MIN(IntVal)

    FROM CTE);


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  • Hi Mark and Lowell,

    Thank you very much for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated.



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