Help with T-SQL

  • Hello,

    I am new to SQL scripting, and need advice on creating a script that interrogates a column which can have the same data, but I need to select every 'nth' occurence, and return all data in other columns that correspond. To try and explain

    The table contains 3 columns

    Phrase, SearchedOn, SessionID

    The session ID can have the same entry where that SessionID populates a different Phrase and time and so has multiple entries

    I need to select every 100th SessionID and display that SessionID and all data in Phrase and SearchedOn that corresponds to it.

    Any help appreciated as I have read that using cursors and temporary tables can be bad

  • That you are asking for every 100th SessionID suggests that your data is ordered in some way.  If not, what does "every 100th" mean?  And please confirm that you want every 100th value as opposed to every 100th distinct value.

    You're right about cursors: there's nearly always a better set-based way of doing it.  However, temporary tables certainly have their time and place and should be used if they provide the best way of getting your result.


  • Thanks for the quick reply John

    The data is not ordered. Basically the report that has been requested is trying to find trends of phrases grouped by SessionID

    The every 100th is a random number (there are 100's of thousand rows) that has just been chosen, so I need to take every 100th SessionID, but display all Phrases and SearchedOn data associated with that SessionID

    for example. If I said I want every other distinct session id

    Phrase                          SearchedOn                          SessionID

    Some text                     2006-12-04 03:03:01.000    c9cb6fb8

    some text                     2006-12-04 03:02:19.000    c9cb6fb8

    Some more text              2006-12-04 08:54:17.653       d8459225

    different text                2006-12-04 09:35:39.153    86a42462

    I hope this helps             2006-12-04 09:44:12.440       370fa762

    cat and dog                  2006-12-04 11:53:18.480    b2c21aed

    cat and dog                  2006-12-04 11:53:58.430    b2c21aed

    cats and dogs               2006-12-04 13:46:25.600    b2c21aed

    more cats and dogs       2006-12-04 13:48:11.520    b2c21aed

    It would select the SessionID's in bold being, but return all other data associated with that SessionID again in bold

    I hope this gives more clarification



  • How often is this report going to be run.  A different approach to a relevant report would be to select the top 2 search phrases from each session id, or better yet the top search phrases and how many sessions issued those searches.  Or session and how many unique searches they did.

    Just some ideas.


  • This should work, although I haven't tested it.  I don't know how it'll perform on a large table.  I can't think of a way without using dynamic SQL to select every 100th row, so I've done it so it chooses 2% of the rows at random.  You can alter this figure if you need.

    select phrase, searchedon, SessionID

    from MyTable m join

    (select distinct SessionID from

    (select top 2 percent SessionID

    from MyTable order by newid()) s) t

    on m.SessionID = t.SessionID


  • Hello Tom,

    Once I have an understanding on how to build the query it will become a stored procedure and run daily, populating another table with the results and then using SQL Reporting Services for the users to see the results



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