Help With Select Query

  • old hand thanks for the solution but this solution fails in some scenarios.

    can you further help me with the same.

  • the above solution fails when i

    update MstrMap set MapValidUpto = 40100

    where MapPerson = '2001'


    add another row

    INSERT [dbo].[MstrMap] ([MapDepartment], [MapPerson],[MapGroup],[MapValidFrom],[MapValidUpto],[MapMdfdBy], [MapMdfdOn])

    VALUES (N'MGMT ', N'2001 ',N'', 40101, NULL,1, CAST(N'2014-05-08 18:01:22.000' AS DateTime))

    can you please provide proper solution for this case.

  • Sorry for the late answer.

    If you're still struggling with the problem try this. As there may be multiple intervals for a given MapPerson/Mapgroup, we need to know next interval info. SQL 2012 has LEAD function for this. Not sure if any gaps between sequetnial intervals may exist . So the query may need some tweaking to take gaps into account.

    with others as (

    select top(1) mp2.MapDepartment , mp2.MapValidFrom, mp2.MapValidUpto

    from [dbo].[MstrMap] mp2

    where mp2.MapPerson =N'' and mp2.MapGroup = N''

    ), t1 as (


    ruletype = case when (p.PrsnCode = mp.MapPerson) then 'matchig by person code'

    when mp.MapDepartment is null then 'no matches found'

    else 'matching by group' end

    , p.PrsnCode, p.PrsnName, p.PrsnGrpCode

    , mp.MapDepartment, mp.MapValidFrom, mp.MapValidUpto

    , nxtFrom = lead(mp.MapValidFrom,1,NULL) over (partition by PrsnCode order by mp.MapValidFrom)

    from [dbo].[MstrPerson] p

    left join [dbo].[MstrMap] mp on p.PrsnCode = mp.MapPerson

    or (mp.MapPerson = N'' and p.PrsnGrpCode = mp.MapGroup)


    select t1.ruletype, t1.PrsnCode, t1.PrsnName, t1.PrsnGrpCode

    , intervals.MapDepartment, intervals.MapValidFrom, intervals.MapValidUpto

    from t1

    outer apply (

    select t1.MapDepartment, t1.MapValidFrom, t1.MapValidUpto

    where t1.MapDepartment is not null

    union all

    -- Should it take gaps (nxtFrom - MapValidUpto) > 1 into account ?

    select others.MapDepartment, t1.MapValidUpto, others.MapValidUpto

    from others

    where t1.MapValidUpto is not null and t1.nxtFrom is null

    union all

    select others.MapDepartment, others.MapValidFrom, others.MapValidUpto

    from others

    where t1.MapDepartment is null) intervals

  • first of all serg-52 no need to be sorry.

    thanks for the solution.

    want a suggestion on some nice way to improve knowledge of new sql as till now i was using sql server 2000 only.

  • Jay Sapani (1/26/2015)

    first of all serg-52 no need to be sorry.

    thanks for the solution.

    want a suggestion on some nice way to improve knowledge of new sql as till now i was using sql server 2000 only.

    Really you have to learn a lot of new features. CTE, APPLY, XML, window functions (OVER Clause ), PIVOT/UNPIVOT... to mention a few. This site has a number of helpful Stairways, see for example. I think you need also obtain some book by Itzik-Ben-Gan.

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