Help with Linked Server

  • OK, I have been trying to figure out exactly how to setup a linked SQL Server but I seem to be missing something.

    We run each of our SQL Servers with their own service account that does not have access to other SQL Servers.

    I want to setup a linked server between some of the server's in our company and I want the authentication to be the user's authentication on the current/local server.  (i.e. If I am connected to server S1 as DOMAIN\me, I want to connect to server S2 (my linked server) as DOMAIN\me when running a query or stored procedure on S1.)

    In the security tab of the Linked Server properties, I select the option that says:  Be made using the login's current security context.

    I am not sure what I need to put in the Local Login, if anything.  I don't want to use one login for all connections, I want each person to be using their own login.

    How do I set this up?




  • Did you try a group/role login with checking Impersonate checkbox?

    For example I connect my Server1 to my Server2. I am logged as Domain\mylogin to server1. I entered Builtin\Administrators role as a local login and checked Impersonate. I selected "Be made using current security context" as you did. I left Remote User and remote Password fields blank.

    When I open query Analyzer and run a distributed query

    select * from server2.pubs.dbo.authors

     then go to Current Activity window on Server 2 from another computer I can see my Domain\mylogin who is connected from the workstation where I ran my query.


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • See "Security Account Delegation" in BOL for the full story without impersonation as such

  • HI

    The best way to not use local login in connection through linked server using the login are configure to impersonate.

    Be sure , that advanced options had been setup on dynamic parameters and provider option. Otherwise , you´ll have problems with timing.






    Hildevan O Bezerra

  • I have found the problem.  It had to do with account delegation.  I am working through all of my account setup to make them work properly.  I have gotten some servers working already, I am still working on others.

    Thank you for your replies.



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