Help trigger

  • I am writing a trigger with the following goal:

    When a bit field (a.bit) in table A is updated from a 1 to a 0, the trigger fires and identifies that row ( and updates the child table ( column (b.bit).

    The following is what I have so far:


    declare @chapter_id varchar(100), @sql varchar(1000), @DBNAME VARCHAR(200), @staffid INT

    select @Chapter_id = substring(chapterid,0,4) from tblstaff where staffid = 8203



     Select @dbname = 'Wishdata_' +@chapter_id+ '.dbo.tbluser'

     Select @sql = 'update '+@DBNAME+

       ' set ' +@dbname+ '.staffpermission = null

       from '  inner join mawdata.dbo.staffid on '+@dbname+ '.staffid = mawdata.dbo.staffid

       where mawdata.dbo.staffid = 8203'




    Create trigger on YourParentTable for Update


    if @@rowcount = 0 return

    if update(YourParentBitColumn)


      Update C set ChildTableBitColumn =  i.YourParentBitColumn

       YourChildTable  C


       inserted i

       on c.pkey = i.pkey 


     (i.YourParentBitColumn is not null and  c.ChildTableBitColumn  is null)


             (i.YourParentBitColumn is null and  c.ChildTableBitColumn is not null )


      (i.YourParentBitColumn <> c.ChildTableBitColumn  )


    * Noel

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