• HI all..

    I have my database in MS SQL SERVER 2008.I am trying to enable database mirrorring.

    The steps I have perform are

    1. Taken the full backup on source

    2. Restore it on mirror server WITH NORECOVERY

    3.The database on the mirror server show in RESTORING STATE

    4.Taken log backup on source server

    5.Restore it on mirror server.

    6.Enable mirroring.

    The problem is when I click start mirroring, I get the following error

    The server network address"TCP://MSSQL:5022" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote epoints are operational.

    (Microsoft SQL server, error:1418)

    I have pinged the address it works fine .

    The domain_segment is not present in the Server Network address.Plz suggest without domain_segment does it works.


  • The port number you're using may be the whole problem or it may be the dns name you're using. as the prior post suggest, make sure the port is correct.

    To test if the dns name is correct, you can try putting the ip address in instead of the dns name. Replace TCP://MSSQL:5022 with TCP://ipaddress:5022 (ie. TCP://

    If this works, you have a problem with your network name.

    Tim White

  • i hope you had done the steps below exactly as i descripe.

    --create Partner Information on Mirror (first !)

    ALTER DATABASE SET PARTNER = 'TCP://servername.full.qualified.domain:5022'

    --create Partner Information on Principal (second !)

    ALTER DATABASE SET PARTNER = 'TCP://servername.full.qualified.domain:5022'

    if you use different servers you could use the same ports, if you are on one server with different instances, you must use different ports.



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