Help me about GROUP BY

  • I have a table with structure:

    Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, Amount

    Error when i execute my command:

    CREATE TABLE #Trans (Inv_Date SmallDatetime, Inv_No Char(8), Description Varchar(64), Amount Numeric(9))

    INSERT INTO #Trans (Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, Amount) VALUES (GETDATE(), '1', 'The 1', 10)

    INSERT INTO #Trans (Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, Amount) VALUES (GETDATE(), '2', 'The 2', 20)

    INSERT INTO #Trans (Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, Amount) VALUES (GETDATE(), '3', 'The 3', 30)

    INSERT INTO #Trans (Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, Amount) VALUES (GETDATE(), '1', 'The 1', 1)

    SELECT Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, SUM(Amount) FROM #Trans GROUP BY Inv_No

    DROP TABLE #Trans

    This is message from SQLSERVER

    Server: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Column '#Trans.Inv_Date' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Server: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Column '#Trans.Description' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.


    Help me, becouse i don't want add Inv_date and Description in select list


  • As per your example this will do

    SELECT Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description, SUM(Amount)

    FROM #Trans

    GROUP BY Inv_Date, Inv_No, Description

    Inv_Date                  Inv_No Description  Sum  

    2005-11-19 13:10:00 1         The 1           11

    2005-11-19 13:10:00 2         The 2           20

    2005-11-19 13:10:00 3         The 3           30



    If you expect some other results.. Please explain your forum with example.. So that we can help you accordingly..


  • Read BOL on "group by"'s an introduction which forms the basis of all groupings...

    "When GROUP BY is specified, either each column in any non-aggregate expression in the select list should be included in the GROUP BY list, or the GROUP BY expression must match exactly the select list expression."

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thank you for your replies. I am new in MS SQL, I working with Foxpro. I upgrating my software to MS SQL. That is ok in foxpro. Now I find other way to do it


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