Help Me

  • To day at 10AM my boss taken transaction log backup,at 2PM i took full backup of our bank database. in between 10am to 2pm one our clierk deleted some account from table

    at 3pm duw to powerfailure in our company our main database server crushed ,now i have that two backups,i have to get that deleted data also what is process

    pls help me

  • Okay, the 2pm Full backup is not any good for you. Forget about it.

    You need to backup the current transaction log if you can.

    Restore the full backup from BEFORE the 10 am transaction log (remember to use WITH NO RECOVERY). Then restore all the transaction logs (using WITH NO RECOVERY on all but the last one.) On the last transaction log, use WITH STOPAT and use the time from before the delete happened.


  • To do a restore, you need to start with a full backup that is before the event you are recovering from. So you'd need the full backup prior to 10am as Bill mentioned.

    Then restore any other log backups between that and 10am in chronological order, then restore the 10am log backup. Then you should get your data. Assuming you didn't do any other backups after 10. Recover your data to another database or export to a file.

    To get the server with the most recent data, restore the 2pm full, which should have all the transactions until 2pm, minus the deleted data. Move that back in from the file or other database and you should be ok.

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