Help! MDX > 8.000 characters

  • Hi all,

    I have a complex MDX that was build within the front-end-tool our users use. Now I want to include it into an ReportingService.rdl with some user parms. All runs fine. But there ist one thing I can't resolve. Part of the MDX is the following line:

    non empty crossjoin({[Measures].[Spread], [Measures].[Delta Vortag Spread]}, {[Marktdaten As Of Date].[Jahr - Monat - Datum].[Datum].&[2013-07-10T00:00:00]}) on columns, ....

    In this case Visual Studio names all the members with an 2013-07-10T00:00:00-suffix i.e. "[Measures].[Delta Vortag Spread].[Marktdaten As Of Date].[Jahr - Monat - Datum].[Datum].&[2013-07-10T00:00:00]". So the date is hard coded as a field name in the report. When the date comes as a parameter, it's no problem to inject it into the MDX code. But then the field name must be changed in the rdl-code every day. No way.

    So I made a OPENQUERY call.

    select '1' AS [Index], '2' as Währung, '3' as Stützstelle, '4' as MID

    union all

    select * FROM OPENQUERY



    member [Measures].[Delta Spread/AVG 10 Tage] as [........

    Fine! The field-names are constant now! BUT: The MDX-Query is 15.000 characters long. OPENQUERY accepts ony 8.000 !

    Any idea??



  • I solved it by eliminating some calculated columns in the MDX that are not really needed in the report. 🙂 Thanks.

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