Help from experienced Guru with the temp table

  •  Hi,

          I need help on the following code.if you look at the code it updates the following table GE_ReservesFile

    What i need is i want to apply the same logic USED in this proc in the QUERY BELOW and the records to

    be inserted in the Temp Table

    -- Update Reserves From Claim File

    Update GE_ReservesFile

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,

    LastName = c.LastName,

    FirstName = c.FirstName,

    LossDate = c.LossDate,

    InClaimFile = 1

    From GE_Claim c Inner Join GE_ReservesFile r

    On c.PolicyNumber = r.PolicyNumber And

    c.TableCode = r.TableCode And c.SeriesCode = r.SeriesCode

    And c.IssueAge = r.IssueAge And c.Gender = r.Gender

    And c.EffectiveDate = r.EffectiveDate

    Where c.LossDate in

    (Select Max(LossDate) from GE_Claim

    Where PolicyNumber = c.PolicyNumber And

    TableCode = c.TableCode And SeriesCode = c.SeriesCode

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode)





    -- Update Reserves From Master Claim

    Update GE_ReservesFile

    Set ClaimNumber = m.ClaimNumber,

    LastName = m.LastName,

    FirstName = m.FirstName,

    LossDate = m.LossDate

    From GE_Master_Claim m Inner Join GE_ReservesFile r

    On m.PolicyNumber = r.PolicyNumber And

    m.TableCode = r.TableCode And m.SeriesCode = r.SeriesCode

    And m.IssueAge = r.IssueAge And m.Gender = r.Gender

    And m.EffectiveDate = r.EffectiveDate

    Where r.ClaimNumber Is Null And m.LossDate in

    (Select Max(LossDate) from GE_Master_Claim

    Where PolicyNumber = m.PolicyNumber And

    TableCode = m.TableCode And SeriesCode = m.SeriesCode

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode)





    -- Get Recaptured Claims

    Update GE_ReservesFile

    Set Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

    Where LossDate Is Not Null

    And DateAdd(yyyy, 10, EffectiveDate) < LossDate





    Update GE_ReservesFile

    Set Recaptured = 'Reinsured'

    Where LossDate Is Not Null

    And Recaptured Is Null











        SUM(b.WaiverofPremium) AS SumPremium

    FROM tableA a

        INNER JOIN tableB b

        ON a.PolicyNumber = b.PolicyNumber AND a.TableCode = b.TableCode AND a.SeriesCode = b.SeriesCode

    WHERE DATEADD(yyyy, 10, EffectiveDate) < LossDate

    GROUP BY     a.PolicyNumber,






  • so why not do SELECT * INTO #TEMPGE_ReservesFile FROM GE_ReservesFile.then change the name in your update statments to the temp table just created: #TEMPGE_ReservesFile

    why do you want to do it to a temp table instead? the above idea would work, but  if the original table is huge, your tempdb is gonna grow just as large. might not be the best solution.



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • i cannot use or in otherwords dont have access to that table GE_ReserveFile any more so can you show me how to deal with the situation.

  • Update r --GE_ReservesFile

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,

    LastName = c.LastName,

    FirstName = c.FirstName,

    LossDate = c.LossDate,

    InClaimFile = 1

    From GE_Claim c

       Inner Join GE_ReservesFile r ...

    Utherwise you update not the same instance of the table!

    Code for TallyGenerator

  •  i undertand exactly what are you saying but just need to ask you

    which table i have to do the inner join ? because i cannot make inner join on GE_ReservesFile as i told you earlier. 

    Update r --GE_ReservesFile

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,

    LastName = c.LastName,

    FirstName = c.FirstName,

    LossDate = c.LossDate,

    InClaimFile = 1

    From GE_Claim c

       Inner Join GE_ReservesFile r ...

    Utherwise you update not the same instance of the table!

  • if you do not have SELECT privileges to the table, you cannot get the data into a temp table for manipulation.  there is no work around.

    if you only have SELECT Priviledges, than you can do something with the temp table that some are suggesting.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • If you cannot make inner join to the table where all your data stored then what do you want to work with?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • instead of making an inner join on table GE_ReserveFile can i create a temp table with the same columns as that of GE_Reservefile and populate it and then i can do the inner join on that temp table what i mean is like this

    first i create temp table and then populate it and then do the update

    Update r

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,

    LastName = c.LastName,

    FirstName = c.FirstName,

    LossDate = c.LossDate,

    InClaimFile = 1

    From GE_Claim c

       Inner Join  r ...


  • Populate it with what?

    Code for TallyGenerator

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