Having Troubles with INSERT INTO

  • What I'm trying to do is Insert into a TestTableA some Rows from another table "TestTableB" that do not exist in the first table, I could do it one by one but on a bigger table this would be tedious at least. So i'm trying to build a querry that will do a bulk INSERT base on Rows that don't exists in TestTableA.

    These are what my little test tables look like:





    Trying to INSERT "Just" Brian, Tiffanie, and Amanda in one Bulk statement INTO TestTableA.

    Here are some querries that I've already tried with no such luck.

    --This Don't Work and get error message: Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Line 2

    The column prefix 'TestTableA' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

    INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, Price2)

    SELECT CustName, Price

    FROM TestTableB

    WHERE TestTableA.CustName <> TestTableB.CustName


    --This Don't Work

    INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, Price2)

    SELECT CustName, Price

    FROM TestTableB


    --And This Don't Work

    INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, Price2)

    SELECT B.CustName, B.Price

    FROM TestTableB B


    ON B.CustName = A.CustName


    Any Help would be much appreciated, thanks.


  • This is the one that is the closest :

    INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, Price2)

    SELECT CustName, Price

    FROM TestTableB B

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT CustName FROM TestTableA A where A.CustName = B.CustName)

    you could also do a left join in the select part by joining on B.Custname = A.Custname and A.Custname is null

  • Great thanks, that worked perfectly. So I put it together with this query and it updates my tables just the way I like it:


     UPDATE TestTableA

      SET TestTableA.Price2 = TestTableB.Price

      FROM TestTableB

      WHERE TestTableA.CustName = TestTableB.CustName



    INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, Price2)

    SELECT CustName, Price

    FROM TestTableB B

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT CustName FROM TestTableA A WHERE A.CustName = B.CustName)


    Now, to make this process run even smoother, I tried to stick this into a Stored Procedure and tried to make the Price2 Column on TestTableA a parameter so that when I run the sproc I could set the parameter to any Price Column I want in TestTableA, Price3 for example.  This turned out to be alittle harder then expected, this is what my sproc looks like right now:

    CREATE PROC spTestTable

     @Price money



     UPDATE TestTableA

      SET @Price = TestTableB.Price

      FROM TestTableB

      WHERE TestTableA.CustName = TestTableB.CustName

    INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, @Price) <-- Dosen't Like this, had to change back to Price2

    SELECT CustName, Price

    FROM TestTableB B

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT CustName FROM TestTableA A WHERE A.CustName = B.CustName)


    Then I tried EXEC the SPOC saying @Price = TestTableA.Price2 and Fails

    Tried modifying the EXEC process alitte by writting it like this:

    DECLARE @PriceColumn money

    SELECT @PriceColumn = (SELECT Price2 FROM TestTableA)

    EXEC spTestTable

     @Price = @PriceColumn

    Which Runs the INSERT, but doesn't do the UPDATE right:

    Anymore help would be great, I could just not be understanding SQL all that well, but i'm trying dang it, thanks.

  • You would need dynamic sql to do something like this. There's no point in creating of SP like this one if you simply want to do dynamic sql.

  • not sure i'm following you.  First I guess i'm going to have to research into dynamic SQL to understand what that is first.  And second, this is just a TestTable to see if it works.  I already applied the update & insert on to the real table and works fine.  The reason why I would want to make it a SPROC is because i'm going to have to do this UPDATE & INSERT everymonth with four different tables, would make things a heck of alot faster just to say EXEC <SPROC>

    But from what i'm reading is that would be alittle trickier, Have any advice on what else I might use other then a SPROC?

  • INSERT INTO TestTableA

    (CustName, @Price)

    I assume @Price2 is a dynamic column name. This is forbidden in sql server.

    read this on dynamic sql :

    The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL

  • Here is an exampl eusing dynamic SQL:

    You can use the proc like

    exec dbo.spTestTable -- will use Price2 column

    exec dbo.spTestTable 'Price3' -- will use Price3 column ...

    create proc dbo.spTestTable


     @PriceCol sysname = 'Price2'




     set nocount on

     declare @SQL varchar(1024)

     set @SQL =    'update dbo.TestTableA '

       + 'set [' + @PriceCol + '] = dbo.TestTableB.Price '

       + 'from dbo.TestTableB '

       + 'where dbo.TestTableA.CustName = dbo.TestTableB.CustName'

     exec (@SQL)

     set @SQL =    'insert into dbo.TestTableA '

       + '(CustName, [' + @PriceCol+ ']) '

       + 'select CustName, Price '

       + 'from dbo.TestTableB B '

       + 'where not exists (select CustName from dbo.TestTableA A where A.CustName = B.CustName)'

     exec (@SQL)



  • You almost had it:

    INSERT INTO TestTableA(CustName, Price2)

    SELECT B.CustName, B.Price

    FROM TestTableB B

     LEFT JOIN TestTable A ON B.CustName = A.CustName

    WHERE A.CustName IS NULL

    To Use a column name variable:

    DECLARE @PriceCol varchar(50), @ExecStr varchar(8000)

    SET @PriceCol='Price3'

    SET @ExecStr='INSERT INTO TestTableA(CustName, '+@PriceCol+') '

    SET @ExecStr=@ExecStr+'SELECT B.CustName, B.Price '

    SET @ExecStr=@ExecStr+'FROM TestTableB B '

    SET @ExecStr=@ExecStr+'LEFT JOIN TestTable A ON B.CustName = A.CustName '

    SET @ExecStr=@ExecStr+'WHERE A.CustName IS NULL '

    EXEC @ExecStr


  • Please make sure you read my link before going down that path. You must make sure nobody besides you can access this proc (or at least only trusted developpers).

  • wow, looks like i'm going to study this programming for alittle while before I use it.  More complex then what i've delt with so far.

    Yep, I read that article Remi, thanks for sending that to me but i'm just going to be useing this sproc for my own procedures and if I'm going run it from a web site it would be internal and password protected most likely

    Thanks alot for all your help

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