HAVING or WHERE in a derived table

  • The below statement works fine without the last 'HAVING' clause.

    With the 'HAVING' though it gives me an error message.

    I need to exclude the sum(amt) where it equals to 0 from my resultset.

    Is there a workaround for it?

    create table policy (policyid int, premium money, batchid int)

    create table policytran (policyid int, originalamount money, batchid int)

    insert into policytran 1, 25,000, 1

    insert into policytran 1, 15,000, 2

    insert into policytran 1, 20,000, 3

    insert into policytran 2, 27,000, 1

    insert into policytran 2, 19,000, 2

    insert into policy 1, 68,000, 1

    insert into policy 2, 59,000, 1

    select PolicyID,


    sum(amt) over (partition by policyid) as tranamt

    from (




    premium as amt

    from policy





    -sum(originalamount) over (partition by policyid) as tranamt

    from policytran

    ) delta

    having sum(amt) <> 0

  • Make this a CTE and then use a "where amt > 0" in the outer query that selects from the CTE?

  • What are you trying to get? It looks like you have a policy table containing a default amount, and then a policytrans table containing what, a transaction specific amount? A history amount when the transaction was open? The actual amount applied to a specific policy? ...And you are trying to calculate what, specifically?

  • The reason you are getting this error is because you are not using a GROUP BY query, so you can't use HAVING with a SUM.

    It is not clear what you are trying to do here and before we continue I would suggest that you read the following article:

    Best Practices: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/

    If you can put together the create statements for the sample tables, insert statements for a few results and expected results you will find that someone here will have a solution for you very quickly.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I edited the post, thank you!

  • Why not the following:

    select PolicyID,

    sum(amt) as tranamt-- over (partition by policyid) as tranamt

    from (



    premium as amt

    from policy




    -sum(originalamount) over (partition by policyid) as tranamt

    from policytran

    ) delta

    GROUP BY PolicyID

    having sum(amt) <> 0

    Or is this not what you are looking for?

  • I have to agree with MentalWhiteNoise (great moniker by the way). That query is simpler and I am going to guess it returns the same data.

    You could also use Steve's approach and CTE it. I would probably put the derived table query in CTE anyway. I find tha CTE's make reading and debugging code much easier.

  • Sorry, I forgot to add one more field.

    I need a row value field mixed with the aggregate on the selects.

    That's why it's problematic to use GROUP BY (and HAVING for this matter) in the outer select.

    I edited my post, please check it out.

    Thank you!

  • Can you please explain what you expect for results from the test data you provided?

    What is the ultimate goal? Do you want to see balance remaining? I am assuming that policy.premium is amount owed and policytrans.origianlamount is the amount paid.

    Why do you need to include batchid in the output?

    Here is some code that I believe gives you the results and functionality you request. Note that I had to correct your insert statements as they did not include a select or values after the table name and included a "," in the amounts which SQL considered a new column. I also used table variables so that I would not have to drop the tables later:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE  @policy TABLE (policyid INT, premium money, batchid INT)

    DECLARE @policytran TABLE (policyid INT, originalamount money, batchid INT)

    INSERT INTO @policytran VALUES( 1, 25000, 1)

    INSERT INTO @policytran VALUES( 1, 15000, 2)

    INSERT INTO @policytran VALUES( 1, 20000, 3)

    INSERT INTO @policytran VALUES( 2, 27000, 1)

    INSERT INTO @policytran VALUES( 2, 19000, 2)

    INSERT INTO @policy VALUES( 1, 68000, 1)

    INSERT INTO @policy VALUES( 2, 59000, 1)

    ;WITH ctePolicyPayments AS





            T.originalamount AS payment,

            P.premium - SUM(T.originalamount) OVER (Partition BY T.policyid) AS owed


            @policy P JOIN

            @policytran T ON

                P.policyid = T.policyid


        SELECT * FROM ctePolicyPayments WHERE owed <> 0[/font]

    Here are the results:

    policyid batchId payment owed

    ----------- ----------- --------------------- ---------------------

    1 1 25000.00 8000.00

    1 2 15000.00 8000.00

    1 3 20000.00 8000.00

    2 1 27000.00 13000.00

    2 2 19000.00 13000.00

    If you really wanted to get fancy you could create it so that for each batchid it shows the amount remaining after that specific batch.

  • Thank you!

    It helped a lot!

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