Hassle free parameters in dynamic sql.

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Hassle free parameters in dynamic sql.

  • I need some help

    I have a table in SQL which has following columns

    tablename columnname

    aaaa cccc1

    aaaa cccc2

    aaaa cccc4

    bbbb dddd1

    bbbb dddd2

    bbbb dddd3

    dynamically I would like to build update statement and execute in T-SQL. I can build a script that update the table one column ata a time

    can you suggest some logic that can generate script which can update all colunms in one single statement

    similar to the below statement

    update aaaa set cccc1 = '<some value>, cccc2 =<some value>, cccc3 = <some value>



  • IMHO this is one way of generating a dynamic sql query but I have some doubts. It will certainly not produce reusable plans nor benefit from the usage of sp_executesql. It is also more of a hassle than simply write






    FROM #t

    WHERE column3 = @COL_VALUE';




  • This script may be ok to use on some occasions but if the entry of the parameters is from an external input, e.g. a web page, then it could be vulnerable to SQL injection - something that is not possible using parameters.

  • Jonathan AC Roberts (5/15/2014)

    ...but if the entry of the parameters is from an external input, e.g. a web page, then it could be vulnerable to SQL injection - something that is not possible using parameters.

    Thanks for the comment, but calling this from a web page, as you said, would be really scary...

  • This is a very clever way to table-drive a dynamic query.

    R Glen Cooper

  • This is clever but ultimately I would never use it.

    It is wide open for SQL injection attack and it basically is a hello world type query in the really world I've never seen dynamic SQL this simple.

  • This explicitly facilitates SQL Injection, and second order SQL injection at that; it doesn't have to be a web page that does it.

    Little Bobby Tables would also cause the students table to be dropped in this instance, because the parameter table would have had the SQL injection syntax that had previously been put into another table.

    A better way is helping to learn how to use sp_executesql parameters - declare them, then set them. Personally, if I'm passing in @var, I call the parameter @parmvar.

  • Interesting but probably won't use it. Thanks for the education though.

  • insert @keywords select 'col1','''Robert''; DROP TABLE Students; --'

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  • another point: the select @var = xxx from @tbl with multiple lines works, but is - as far I know - not official supported (= bad hack), so it could stop work sometimes (in another version)

  • Thanks for the script.

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