Handling ISNULL in xml Parser

  • Hi,

    DECLARE @xml XML

    DECLARE @QuestionCount INT

    DECLARE @Count INT

    SET @Count = 1

    SET @xml =



    SET @QuestionCount = @xml.value('count(/QuestionList/Question)','int')

    WHILE @Count <= @QuestionCount


    INSERT INTO tblQuestion

    SELECT Ques.value('TextData[1]','varchar(16)') AS Question

    FROM @xml.nodes('//Question[sql:variable("@Count")][1]') AS PP(Ques)

    INSERT INTO tblAnswer


    Ques.value('Option1[1]','varchar(16)') AS Option1,

    Ques.value('Option2[1]','varchar(16)') AS Option2,

    Ques.value('Option3[1]','varchar(16)') AS Option3

    FROM @xml.nodes('//Question[sql:variable("@Count")][1]') AS PP(Ques)

    SET @Count = @Count + 1


    SELECT * FROM tblQuestion

    SELECT * FROM tblAnswer

    If i run the above query it will display as:

    fldQuestionID fldQuestionText

    ------------- ----------------

    17 What is Test

    18 What is Dummy

    (2 row(s) affected)

    fldQuestionID fldOption1 fldOption2 fldOption3

    ------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

    17 Test1 Test2

    18 Dummy1 Dummy2 Dummy3

    In this fldOption3 column against fldQuestionID = 17, it shows as EMPTY.

    Here i want to display some character rather than EMPTY. How can i handle this. Is it possible ISNULL function in the xml parser?

    Help me to solve this.


  • I don't think you could use it in the XML, but you could do this in your insert:



    Ques.value('Option1[1]','varchar(16)') AS Option1,

    Ques.value('Option2[1]','varchar(16)') AS Option2,


    When Ques.value('Option3[1]','varchar(16)') = '' Then 'New value'

    Else Ques.value('Option3[1]','varchar(16)')

    End AS Option3


    @xml.nodes('//Question[sql:variable("@Count")][1]') AS PP(Ques)

  • Thanks Jack for your valuable reply.

    Here i was using NULLIF function. Using this i got the result. Please see the below code.


    ISNULL(NULLIF(Ques.value('Option1[1]','varchar(16)'),''),NULL) AS Option1,

    ISNULL(NULLIF(Ques.value('Option2[1]','varchar(16)'),''),NULL) AS Option2,

    ISNULL(NULLIF(Ques.value('Option3[1]','varchar(16)'),''),NULL) AS Option3

    FROM @xml.nodes('//Question[sql:variable("@Count")][1]') AS PP(Ques)

    Please correct me if any thing in this goes wrong.:)


  • Sure the nested ISNULL(NULLIF()) works, I just find the Case statement easier to read. I'd run both in the same SSMS window and see which one is more efficient.

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