Handling disk space issue for primary datafile .mdf

  • How can we handle the situation in production environment?

    if i dont have enough disk space where my .mdf file was located.

    pls answer with different options available in sql server?

    Thanks in advance


  • - make sure you'll be notified in an early stage

    - so monitor your database and server (or let your windows guys monitor this server)

    - review this disk, remove unnecessary programs, logfiles, tempfiles etc

    - consider adding additional datafiles on a different disk

    - check the autogrowth settings (if enabled) of your datafile(s), make sure its not a percentage if your datafile is already large.

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • Hi,

    For this activity to use the following steps which are given below:

    - Restrict the Maxsize of database files.

    - Make the alerts where you can define the value in alert 80% of Maxsize files so whenever file size will increase more than 80%. You will get an alert in your mail box.

    I believe the above small steps will help you to sort out the issue.

  • Hi,

    For this activity to use the following steps which are given below:

    - Restrict the Maxsize of database files.

    - Make the alerts where you can define the value in alert 80% of Maxsize files so whenever file size will increase more than 80%. You will get an alert in your mail box.

    I believe the above small steps will help you to sort out the issue.

  • Another option, and this involves being a bit more proactive, is if you have any archive type tables in your database, let them be located on a secondary filegroup on another drive. This can be a slower/cheaper drive if not much activity occurs on those tables other than archiving and occasional queries.

    If there is still a chance it will be used regulary, try to have the secondary filegroup be located on a drive similar in speed to the primary.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

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