Grand Running Total Row in Excel Pivot

  • Hello, I have an Excel sheet connected to SSAS 2008.

    I have a time dimension with years and weeks on column. On rows I have a parent-child dimension showing products under product categories. The measure shows the total sales per year / week and Product Category / Product.

    The Grand Total Row is created by Excel's Pivot Grid and is displayed as last row.

    My problem is that I need to display a running total over time under the Grand Total: this new row needs to accumulate the grand total value over the weeks.

    Can anyone help me? I've downloaded "OLAP PivotTable Extension" but I do not know how to reach the goal.

    Best regards


  • Not sure to do it in other versions of Excel, but I am using Excel 2010 and in that version you can drag the same sales measure to the values sections more than once. by doing so, you can change one of them to show "running total". Not 100% sure, but I think this is new in 2010. I don't recall being able to do this in 2007.

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