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  • Gary Varga (12/19/2014)

    Everyone does it differently but for me weekends are for family and recreational sport.

    For sure. This is mostly my plan, though I lose 10-12 a year for events. Typically Thur is volleyball with my daughter, and I am loathe to miss it, but I will once or twice a year for the local user group.

  • Robert Sterbal-482516 (12/19/2014)

    I think my evenings are limited to once a week for all practical purposes for the foreseeable future. What is the second best way to get out there (without getting out there)?

    Can anyone connect me with someone who has had success, and has the time to share some information about attending meetings remotely, and possibly podcasting them later?

    Some groups do broadcasts, or even recordings, but it's not many. You can check with PASS. THey might know who does meetings more often. The Las Vegas UG used to broadcast to avoid traffic.

    You could see if you could get your local UG to schedule once a year or so for your schedule. Or even see if you could get a meetup or small event on your night off in the local area. It wouldn't be hard to schedule a library meeting room or arrange for a space at a bar/restaurant for one night 3 months out. Promote it and see if you can get some people to attend. Not sure where you are, but with notice, many speakers are happy to donate a few hours.

    Otherwise, learn on your own, and enjoy the time away from work on the other nights. Working on your career is important, but if you take 6 mos or a year off because of life and family, not sure that's an issue.

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