Global Parameters

  • Hi

    I have 12 reports in my current project (SSRS 2005), what I would like to do is to pass the reporting period as a global parameter/value.

    When the user select 200904 on one report it should be passed on to all the other reports in the solution. Is this possible and if so how do I do that.

  • Are these subreports or reports you have to navigate to through the report server interface?

  • They are reports not subreports. I would navigate to them through server interface

  • I don't know of a way to "cache" parameters for use by multiple reports when navigating through the RS interface. The only way would be to setup defaults for the parameters, but that is not really what you want.

    Edit: Fixed typos. If I can see then at midnight after a full day of SQLSaturday they must be bad:-P

  • I'm with Jack on this one. The only 2 alternatives (ie hacks) i can think that you could try would be:

    - to include some level of navigation *within* each report (e.g. use a standard header that has links to the other reports, using these links pass the current parm values);

    - or wrap your own outer layer of control (e.g. aspx app, you handle the collection of parm values in this app, and then have links to your reports, when the user selects a report, you pass the selected parm value to that, and each subsequent, report).


  • Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I will use Steve's Idea

    - or wrap your own outer layer of control (e.g. aspx app, you handle the collection of parm values in this app, and then have links to your reports, when the user selects a report, you pass the selected parm value to that, and each subsequent, report).

    But currently I am just going to develop all the reports first then will get to that.

    Thank you guys for the feedback

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