Ghost Cleanup

  • Is it normal for the Ghost Cleanup background process to start blocking transactions? I have one right now that's blocking all transactions to the database, including a Checkpoint. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do aside from letting it finish (although it's been running for a couple hours now). I'm afraid to restart the server as I don't want to corrupt the DB. Anyone seen this behavior before?

    The greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different. -- Roberto Unger

  • No clue about your question except letting it run, but it's a real nice quote >

    "The greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different."

  • I haven't seen that. If you're worried, call MS, sounds like a problem anyway.

    I wouldn't be that concerned about corruption. If it is doing cleanup, it should be logged, so a restart should undo/redo

  • We tried to restart SQL but it wasn't responding so we had to reboot the server. Everything recovered fine and I was able to truncate the log of that DB (which had grown to almost a terabyte). This is the same server that I posted about earlier which has had the latching errors and access violations. A call to MS is definitely in my future...

    The greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different. -- Roberto Unger

  • TB??? how big is the db??

  • It's actually pretty small, <500MB, there has to be something going on with the application.

    The greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different. -- Roberto Unger

  • These Microsoft problems may shed some light on your problem:-



  • Hi,

    I know I'm a little late on this link but I want to feedback on a recent experience I had with the GHOST CLEANUP process.

    Got an urgent call from a client to resolve an issue where GHOST CLEANUP was constantly running and using resources. To resolve the issue I disabled the Auto Create Statistics and Auto Update Statistics options on the database. As soon as I hit the apply button the GHOST CLEANUP process stopped.

    From what it looks like, when SQL tries to create stats or update them, it will run the GHOST CLEANUP process first to cleanup the indexes and tables, before getting the stats. It might also run it at other times, but disabling those options definitely had an effect

    I am in the process of writing some scripts that will dynamically re-index the database (it is a 70GB database, so maintenance plans are a big no), then create and update the statistics for the database. This should lessen the effects of the GHOST CLEANUP process, and hopefully get rid of it completely.

    Just thought I would share my 2 cents with everyone.

    Use it, don't use it.


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