getting at the guts of multiple flat files

  • Hello all,

    So I have some flat files which I need to access, parse, store specific info in a database, and then move - the good news is that they all end in .dat and are in the same directory 😀

    So, what I have set up right now is:

    Control Flow

    ~ Foreach Loop Container

    - Collection

    - Folder:

    - Files: *.dat

    - Variable Mappings

    - User::varFileName (Index = 0)

    Data Flow

    ~ Flat File Source

    - Flat File Connection Manager: VariableChargesFileDAT

    Note that ~ denotes a component and - denotes a setting in a component

    I am stuck when it comes to referencing varFileName as the File Name in the Flat File Connection Manager.

    Any help is most appreciated!


  • Please follow these steps:

    -Right click on Flat file connection manager and select properties

    -From the property window expand Expressions

    -Select connectionstring in property list box and expand expression

    -In the expression editor drag the variable that contains the file's complete path in the text area below

    -Click OK

    This will change the connection string property of the flat file to a SSIS variable, in your case it will be the complete path of the text file that you evaluate in the foreach loop.

    Hope it helps!

  • What caught my eye was that you were optimistic that the files end in "*.dat"

    Hope the layout is the same of the files, if not, you will need a connection manager per layout, even if it is running in a for each loop container


  • all the files have the same structure, so that is good too! 🙂

    The issue I was having was that when I was only using the variable and expressions I was unable to set up the columns - so what I did was select a file using the 'normal' (non expression) way in the general tab. When I ran it the 'normal' one disappeared. So to make adjustments to columns I just need to browse to the file using 'File Name' in the general tab.

    Thanks again for the help!


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