Getting A Clue About Your Databases

  • Well done!

    * Noel

  • Good Article. One thing that we learned the hard way is that size doesn't always matter but often times volume does.

    SOmething to keep in mind. Also something that was taken into account with SQL Server 2005's canned reports. Very useful when troubleshooting issues as you can see your index and table usage stat from a hits perspective as well as size.

  • Great idea, great Article. Keep 'em coming!

    5 stars!!


  • I too am asked with some regularity to access data I know nothing about. This code will be very helpful. Poking around is not only tedious but dangerous, too.

    Thanks for the code. Nicely done article.


  • Super! I know I am going to use it someday. Thank you for all the work!

  • Megistal (1/9/2009)

    Each time you post on the forum you get a point, could be the reason.

    Or it also could be to let a positive feedback for the author. Always feel good to know that you are doing something good even if it's only from few words.

    Hi Sanjay

    You have asked a very good and genuine question.

    Thanks Megistal for your reply. Actually the second reason is correct. I am in writing business. I am certified as MCSE, MCSE+I, MCDBA, A+, CCNA. I know what effort it takes to write a technical document. It is not a 'copy paste job'. In this forum we are all SQL Server expert and we write about them. But in reality I know who writes for most of the 'famous' publishers in the world. The people who writes have little technical knowledge. They only get technical tips from the SMEs. But the end product in most cases are fantastic. I keenly watched Brian's videos. Their product is very good. We developed products for many parts of the world may be some of you have read those. A little appreciation is more effective then a long phrase. I even say 'Nice' when I still found errors in the article. I hope this may encourage the author. But if people thinks I am writing for 'points', then I will stop writing the same.

    By the way Gregor your article is really great.


  • This procedure for space does not get space taken up by text fields???

    I am trying to see why Unused space on a table is large(40GB) through Disk Usage by Table in 2005 management Studio, but shrink database does not reclaim the space.

    God Bless,


    Thomas LeBlanc, MVP Data Platform Consultant

  • Thanks really helped out

    also big thanks to the godfather Bill Graziano

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