Get the most recent row - how to

  • I have a table where all the status for a same entity is saved

    ID Status Sequence

    -- ------- -----------

    1 A 1

    1 C 2

    1 B 3

    2 B 1

    3 C 1

    3 A 2

    ID represent a foreign key to something

    I need a query to get the most recent status based on the sequence, the higher is the sequence, the more recent is the status

    Result :

    1 B

    2 B

    3 A

    How to?

  • Pretty sparse on details but I think something like this is what you want.

    ;with Data as


    select 1 as ID, 'A' as Status, 1 as Sequence union all

    select 1, 'C', 2 union all

    select 1, 'B', 3 union all

    select 2, 'B', 1 union all

    select 3, 'C', 1 union all

    select 3, 'A', 2


    , DataGrouped as


    select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ID order by Sequence desc) as RowNum,* from data


    select ID, Status

    from DataGrouped where RowNum = 1

    Notice how I posted sample data in a consumable format? This is something you should do on future posts.

    Also, if this is your whole table structure I would strongly advise you to come up with something for a primary key. Hope this helps.


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  • An alternate:

    create table #tmp (status_id int, status_code char(1), status_sequence int);

    insert into #tmp


    (1, 'A', 1),

    (1, 'B', 3),

    (2, 'B', 1),

    (3, 'C', 1),

    (3, 'A', 2);





    #tmp t1


    status_sequence = (select max(status_sequence) from #tmp t2 where status_id = t1.status_id);

    drop table #tmp;

    Roland Alexander 
    The Monday Morning DBA 
    There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. ~ Albert Schweitzer

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