Get query result set to display like result set in SSMS

  • My issue is with columns repeating down the page.

    All columns repeat down the page that same as the results do when I run the report query in SSMS except for one column. For some reason this one column only displays once on the page and not for every row in the page.

    Any ideas?

  • I am guessing that the one column is actually in a parent group, not the detail group with the rest of your data.

  • That is correct. What do i need to do?

  • Also (if you don't mind)

    I wanted to create the report with no header so i deleted the header but the space between the first row and the top of the frame still exist. Do you know how to get rid of the space at the top?

  • First, add the field to the detail row, then delete the group.

    Second, highlight the tablix, and move the mouse over the edges of the tablix until you see a four way arrow and then click and drag the tablix to the top of the frame. If you have trouble finding the 4 way arrow you can also press control and the arrow buttons on the keyboard to move the tablix around.

  • "First, add the field to the detail row, then delete the group."

    I can't seem to add the field to details through properties or by dragging from the Report Data section (on left). What is the best way to add the field to the details group?

  • Try right clicking on the appropriate textbox in the detail, then go to the properties and select the value there.

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