Get Data from IBM Cognos TM1 (SQL)

  • Hello,

    does anyone know a way to connect OLAP cube data from Cognos TM1 using OLE DB Provider or whatever ? I want to make a

    SQL Data Source in SSRS/SSIS to make it available?




  • Nicole,

    I'm not aware of any way to do this using an OLE DB Provider.

    You can Create ODBC connection to your SQL server and pump data into a SQL server table using a TM1 TI process

    Not very nice, prone to errors, not flexible, requires someone with rare MS SQL server dba skills and TM1 TI skills to keep this in sync

    Not real time replication like the rest of your MSQL servers.

    Not really supported by IBM so you are alone a little

    See this post for more info

    Alternatively you could export from TM1 into csv or some other file format and upload into SQL server using SISS.

    Hope that helps

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