gaining acces in sql to returnvalue of sp_executesql - is it possible and how?

  • Below you find a script i have created which dynamiccaly puts a sql-query together dependant on some predefined values.

    IT works just fine, but I cant figure out how to acces the content of the return value of the following sentence   EXEC sp_executesql @together

    I need to acces inline the value....... is it possible and how?



    Declare @StartStatement nvarchar(1500)

    Declare @statementAfd nvarchar(400)

    Declare @statementBaerer nvarchar(400)

    Declare @statementFormaal nvarchar(400)

    Declare @SlutStatement nvarchar(500)

    Declare @together nvarchar(3500)

    declare @transdateFrom varchar(6)

    declare  @transdateTo varchar(6)

    declare  @ledgeraccount varchar(8)

    declare  @afd varchar(12)

    declare  @baerer varchar(12)

    declare  @formaal varchar(12)

    declare  @regnskab varchar(30) 

    set @transdateFrom ='200301'

    set @transdateTo = '200309'

    Set @afd ='MrLovaLova'

    set @baerer ='MrLovaLova'

    set @formaal = 'MrLovaLova'

    set @ledgeraccount = '40111'

    set @regnskab ='DMO'

    if (@afd = 'MrLovaLova')


     set @statementAfd = ''


    if (@afd <> 'MrLovaLova')


     set @statementAfd = 'AND (LEDGERTRANS.DIMENSION =''' + @afd + ''')'


    if (@baerer = 'MrLovaLova')


     set @statementBaerer = ''


    if (@baerer <> 'MrLovaLova')


     set @statementBaerer = 'AND(Ledgertrans.dimension2_ = '''+@baerer+''')'


    if (@formaal = 'MrLovaLova')


     set @statementFormaal = ''


    if (@formaal <> 'MrLovaLova')


     set @statementFormaal = 'and (Ledgertrans.dimension3_ = '''+@formaal+''')'


    Set @together =''

    --sæt start

     Set @StartStatement = N'SELECT      









     ledgertable.dataareaid = ledgertrans.dataareaid


     (LEDGERTRANS.Accountnum = cast('''+@ledgeraccount+'''as int))


     ( CONVERT(varchar(6), LEDGERTRANS.TRANSDATE, 112) between '''+@transdateFrom+''' and '''+@transdateTo+''')


     (Ledgertrans.Periodcode = 1)


     (ledgertrans.dataareaid = '''+@regnskab+''')




    Set @samlet = @StartStatement + @statementAfd + @statementBaerer + @statementFormaal + @SlutStatement

    Declare @test-2 float

    EXEC sp_executesql @together

    --return @test-2

    --print @samlet

    --print @test-2








  • Hi,

    You'll need to add a parameter definition to the sp_executesql, as well as the variable that should be assigned the return value. A small example:

    declare @stmt nvarchar(4000), @result int

    select @stmt = N'select @sum = (4 + 20)'

    exec sp_executesql @stmt, N'@sum int out', @sum=@result out

    select @result as Result

    In your query, that would mean adding a return variable to the beginning of the statement:

    Set @StartStatement = N'SELECT @the_sum =     



    When calling sp_executesql, add the parameter definition as well as the variable:

    exec sp_executesql @StartStatement, N'@the_sum float out', @test_float = @the_sum out

    select @test_float

    I hope this helps. More accurate descriptions of how to use parameters with sp_executesql can be found in BOL.

    I got a bit confused as to which statement you wanted to execute - from the example you provided it seems like you're executing an empty string (@together)? I guess the @samlet-statement (danish, right?) should be replaced by a @together-assignment.

  • thanks a million times.


    you are correct about putting a together value. i will try i tfirst thing at work tomorrow. I cant wait to see if it working.


    you are the man

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