Function or Join

  • which is better for performance wise,

    function or join?


  • That's a pretty broad question, so a "it depends" is probably appropriate. But a user defined function has to execute on each individual row. I'd go with the JOIN (especially assuming good indexing) as being the better way to go.



  • Dhirju (10/11/2012)

    which is better for performance wise,

    function or join?


    An inline table-valued function can perform equally as well as a join to tables. If the function has BEGIN/END in it, then performance will lag behind a join.

    Paul White discusses iTVF's in his papers, links in my sig. Rob Farley's amusing blog discusses the performance of the different types of SQL Server functions.

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  • Dhirju (10/11/2012)

    which is better for performance wise,

    function or join?


    What is the healthier Apples or Oranges? 😉

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