Full-text indexing unavailable

  • Hi,

    I have few servers on NT 4.0/5.0, running SQL 7.0 (sp4), standard edition, and in EM I don't see an option for full text indexing(it's greyed out). I upgraded one server to 2000 and as I understand it's good practice to repopulate full text catalog after upgrade, but I couldn't do it since it wasn't there. I tried to install full-text indexing from CD but still no luck.

    Does anyone know what this is?


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • When you view the services (Start | Run | Services.msc if you are local, alternately, Start | Run | CompMgmt.msc and expand until you get to services if you're checking from your Win 2K/XP workstation) on the server, do you see the Microsoft Search service installed and running?

    If so, did you remove the BUILTIN\Administrators account?

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • If you did remove BUILTIN\Administrators account, you have to grant 'Nt Authority\System' account to access SQL Server with 'sa' right.

  • Yup. That's what I was getting at. Here's the KB article that describes the issue:


    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yes, I did remove builtin\admin account. I do have Microsoft search services and they are running.

    If I add 'Nt Authority\System' account and give SA privileges to account, who exactly gets access to this server? We have few people with NT admin rights on domain and we would like to keep them off the SQL server(atleast not SA privileges)

    Thanks for bringing this post back up and responding. I had almost lost hopes on this.

  • It is 'local system account' to run Microsoft Search service that has to access SQL Server.

    As long as you remove 'BUILTIN\Administrators' from SQL Server logins, Those people with NT domain admin right will not be able to access your SQL Server as 'sa' unless you assign them to access SQL Server individually.

  • I don't get this. I added

    'Nt Authority\System' account and gave SA priv. to this account. Microsfot search service is up and running under local system account. Still no change. Does SQL server need to be restarted for this?


  • I don't remember whether machine has to be restarted. Try to restart MSSearch and SQL Server services.

  • MSSearch should be running with the same account as SQL Server.

    Also check out this link





  • Don't think you can change the service account from local system account to anyone else.

  • Actually, Full-Text is supposed to run under localsystem. Configurations of full-text other than this aren't supported:


    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks everyone for your response.

    This is what I am at now.

    I don't have builtin/admin account in SQl logins.

    I added NT authority/system account in sql logins and gave sysadmin rights.

    Microsoft search service is running under local system account.

    Sill full text indexing is greyed out in EM.!!May be I am doing something wrong.

    But anyway how important is it to repopulate full text catalog after you upgrade to 2000?


  • Try to add "BUILTIN\Administrators" back to your SQL Server logins with 'sa' right.

    Edited by - Allen_Cui on 02/13/2003 1:27:38 PM

  • Allen,

    Tried that too. Didn't work.


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