Full-text indexing

  • Hi,

    I've built a search functionality for a web application on a table that stores articles which have the standard: title, summary and body fields. The table will probably grow to about 100,000 rows, although there is a possibility that it might grow to many times that size. The search currently only scans the title field and gets the results from a stored procedure that uses the "LIKE '%something%'" clause.

    Since then I have become aware fo the full-text searching features on SQl server. I was hoping to get advice from someone who has worked with this before. Is full-text indexing the way to go? I am particularly concerned with performance as the table grows.

    Many thanks!


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  • Hi there

    100k rows is nothing, I indexed my 4 mill row table without too much trouble, mind you indexes do take a while to build and there are some support docs out where unique counts of keywords hit in the millions. Anyhow, whack a timestamp on your table and consider using the auto-update/background refresh options of FTI, you will see around a 20sec lag between the row inserted and FTI picking it up, something to consider carefully when going down this path. Are you indexing multiple columns? also, dont use a neutral work breaker if you can help it as inflectional statements cant be used.

    I have an article coming on the 12/11 re FTI and a cool routine that alters your user input to make it more FTI "savvy"



    Chris Kempster


    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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