ftp file transfer security

  • what  and how security can be done, the possible best method to secure the csv file which is been ftp.

    is there any other way secured way to transfer the file without doing a ftp.



  • With proper permissions and firewall settings FTP would be ok else think for other solutions.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • dont want to send the file through ftp but want to tranfer the file through some other secured way. pls suggest some other method

  • You want the transfer the object within the network or outside. Whats the size of the file that you want to transfer.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • outside the network with lot of security, dont know the size of the file yet.


  • Jai -

    FTP is inherently insecure and has been replaced by SFTP (secure FTP) where security of the transmitted files is important.

    There are a variety of SFTP clients and SFTP servers available.  Note that there is not a SFTP component for DTS out of the box though one may be available from a third party - I'm aware of one for SSIS but have never looked for one for use with DTS.



  • Thanks joe.pls give more info abt SFTP.

  • Jai -

    Just search for "SFTP client" or "SFTP server" on google... basically SFTP is an upgrade of FTP to include encryption of the connection between the client and server - you need a SFTP server and an SFTP client.



  • ya!!! great boss

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