From TableA, TableB. Whats happening here?

  • I recently came across a TSQL statement that I haven't seen in so long I've forgotten how it works. Can someone explain what happens when the from clause is as such:

    From TableA, TableB

    where ....

  • It's a form of join.

    select a.col1,b.col1

    FROM A,B

    WHERE a.col1 = b.col1

    same as

    select a.col1,b.col1

    from a

    inner join b

    on a.col1 = b.col1

    pretty sure I have that correct

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  • Then the following query doesn't have a join condition?

    select distinct substring(nu.LocCode, 4, 1), c.Phone, c.GroupName, nu.Office, nu.*

    from MEDAPPSDB.Lawson_Conv.dbo.NewUserLDAP nu,

    MEDCREDENT.VisualCactus.dbo.v_Provider_Info_Complete c

    WHERE nu.LocCode is not null

    and nu.RMComplete = 0 and nu.Complete = 0

    and len(nu.WorkPhone) < 1

    and substring(nu.LocCode, 4, 1) = 'C'

    and len(nu.LocCode) > 6

    -- and (cast(substring(nu.LocCode, 5, 3) as int) = cast(c.Acct_Office_ID as int))

    and substring(nu.LocCode, 5, 3) = c.Acct_Office_ID

    -- AND nu.EmpID in (12113, 12114)

  • dndaughtery (5/24/2011)

    Then the following query doesn't have a join condition?

    select distinct substring(nu.LocCode, 4, 1), c.Phone, c.GroupName, nu.Office, nu.*

    from MEDAPPSDB.Lawson_Conv.dbo.NewUserLDAP nu,

    MEDCREDENT.VisualCactus.dbo.v_Provider_Info_Complete c

    WHERE nu.LocCode is not null

    and nu.RMComplete = 0 and nu.Complete = 0

    and len(nu.WorkPhone) < 1

    and substring(nu.LocCode, 4, 1) = 'C'

    and len(nu.LocCode) > 6

    -- and (cast(substring(nu.LocCode, 5, 3) as int) = cast(c.Acct_Office_ID as int))

    and substring(nu.LocCode, 5, 3) = c.Acct_Office_ID

    -- AND nu.EmpID in (12113, 12114)

    In effect, the join condition is nu.LocCode = c.Acct_Office_ID (but with a SUBSTRING on LocCode).

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

  • to add.... These types of queries have variations, eg:

    Select a.*,b.* from

    TableA a,TableB b

    where a.ColName *= b.ColName --"*=" implies a left outer join and "=*' implies a right outer join.

    These are called Non ANSI type of joins and are not supported from SQL 2005 onwards.[unless u set the compatibility level to 80.

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