Fonts change in reporting services...?

  • Hey folks. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question.. but it seems if I print a report from the Reporting Services window, or if I export to TIFF, all of the fonts go to Arial. If I export to Excel it holds the formatting just fine.. the problem is that I always fit the columns to exactly what I need so that I can fit the report to 11 x 17 paper without having the row drop down to the next line (IF it can be avoided). At any rate, is this common knowledge, something that has always happened? Also, is there a way to workaround that and maintain all of the formatting when printing from the Reporting Services window? Thanks!

  • Make sure you are on the latest service pack for reporting services. MS changed the print dialogs a couple of times - I cannot remember if it was in RS2000 or RS2005.

    The tiff rendering engine is different than the Excel rendering. In fact, the Excel rendering is actually HTML - which is why it holds the formatting so well. I thought the print rendering was ok, it should not change fonts on you unless you are printing to a printer that cannot support the fonts you are using. Try printing via the print button in the browser rather than the Report Manager print button to see what it does to the fonts.

  • Thanks for the response... we are fully patched. Also, there is only one way to print. This report is within microsoft CRM, so you generate the report from within the CRM application. The window that it generates in is technically an internet explorer window, but you dont have any menus or anything like that. The only way to print is control + p or with the print icon. Both have the same result. Any other ideas?

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