fn_get_sql Help

  • I must be missing something...

    I have the following script that I'm hoping to use in order to get the full SQL 2000 SP4 statements (not just the first 255 chars):

    declare @spid int

    declare @handle binary(20)

    set @spid = 1 -- set the target spid (must be currently active)

    select @handle = sql_handle from master.dbo.sysprocesses where spid = @spid

    dbcc inputbuffer(@spid)

    select [text] from ::fn_get_sql(@handle)

    Unfortunately, when this script is run it always returns a NULL value.

    I'm in a situation right now that really would benefit from seeing the SQL statement!!! Is there something else that needs to be turned on???



  • Hi Glenn,

    In your script you're checking for spid 1, which is background spid. All spids lower than 50 are background spids.

    To get it to work try looking for an active spid higher than 50.

    You can check on what spids are active by running sp_who2 active.

    Hope that helps,

  • Karl -

    I realize that it appears that I'km checking spid 1 (it's just for an example). when the script is executed I change the spid to whatever one I'm interested in...


  • Try this:

    declare @bigEventinfo nvarchar(4000)

    declare @eventinfo nvarchar(257)

    create table #x (

     EventType  nvarchar(30)

    ,Parameters Int

    ,EventInfo  nvarchar(255)


      insert #x exec('dbcc inputbuffer(1)') -- Change the spid, of course

      select @eventinfo = left(eventinfo, len(eventinfo) - 2) + '%' from #x

      select distinct @bigEventInfo = sql from master.dbo.syscacheobjects

      where sql like @eventinfo

  • There is something definately wrong with fn_get_sql as documented in BOL. It looks like the sql_handle is only available to the @@SPID connection, RE:

    SELECT spid, sql_handle FROM sysprocesses WHERE spid = @@SPID


    SELECT spid, sql_handle FROM sysprocesses WHERE spid = 88

    So if @@SPID = 88 then both of the above return a sql_handle > 0x0, otherwise sql_handle will always be 0x0.

    Even then using:

    DECLARE @handle binary(20)

    SELECT @handle = sql_handle FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE spid = @@SPID

    SELECT * FROM ::fn_get_sql(@handle)

    Always returns an empty row, so maybe the BOL entry: "If you pass a handle that no longer exists in cache, fn_get_sql returns an empty result set." is not refering to the sysprocesses table as the "cache" but something else?


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