Flat File Source Unicode

  • Hello,

    I need to identify if a flat file is Unicode or not by SSIS (Script Task). It's happens because sometimes the file's sponsor creates a file in a Windows format and sometimes he creates the file as Unicode.



  • rfugikawa (12/7/2009)


    I need to identify if a flat file is Unicode or not by SSIS (Script Task). It's happens because sometimes the file's sponsor creates a file in a Windows format and sometimes he creates the file as Unicode.



    This a bit tricky. I have created 2 samples with the Notepad - one unicode and one non unicode (they are attached). If you open the files in binary mode, you will see the unicode file contains two prefix bytes: FF FE

    I think you can use this as identifier, but it is important that the program which creates the file follow the guideline. Otherwise I don't see how you can possibly identify the file.

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  • You could try the code in this example: http://devhood.com/tutorials/tutorial_details.aspx?tutorial_id=469

    I think it would be far simpler to just add a Data Conversion task after your Flat File Source that converts fields to Unicode data types or vice-versa, regardless of the format of the source.

  • Have a look here


    The Byte Order Mark at the start of the file indicates the unicode encoding. You'll need to examine the first few bytes of the file.


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