Finding NULL count

  • My question is:

    How do I get the result of dynamic SQL into a variable?


  • Karthik

    Use sp_executesql with an output parameter.


  • EXEC sp_executesql

    @query = @sql,

    @params = N'@i INT OUTPUT',

    @i = @i OUTPUT

    Am i correct ?


  • Hi All,

    Below one is working fine.


    declare @sql varchar(1000), @minid int, @maxid int,

    @table_n varchar(255), @col varchar(255), @dbnm varchar(50)

    Create table #tmp1


    ID int identity(1,1),

    TableName varchar(50),

    ColumnName varchar(50)


    Create table #FinalResult


    DBName varchar(15),

    TableName varchar(50),

    ColumnName varchar(50),

    NULL_Row_Count int,

    Total int


    insert into #tmp1

    select, from syscolumns sc inner join sysobjects so on =

    where so.type = 'U'

    select @dbnm = db_name()

    select @minid = 1, @maxid = max(ID) from #tmp1

    while (@minid <=@maxid)


    select @table_n = TableName,@col = ColumnName from #tmp1

    where ID = @minid

    select @sql = ' insert into #FinalResult(DBName,TableName,ColumnName,NULL_Row_Count,Total)'

    select @sql = @sql + ' select ''' + @dbnm + ''', ''' + @table_n + ''', ''' +

    @col + ''', (select count(*) from [' + @table_n + '] where ['+ @col + '] is null) '

    select @sql = @sql + ' , (select count(*) from [' + @table_n +'])'

    print @sql

    exec ( @sql )

    set @minid = @minid + 1



    Select DBName,TableName,ColumnName,'Total_RowCount' = Total,NULL_Row_Count ,Non_NULL_Row_Count = Total - NULL_Row_Count

    from #FinalResult

    Thanks for all your people !


  • Can anybody help me to achieve the same task by using SET BASED THEORY ?


  • can we use master..spt_values table to avoid RBAR logic ?


  • karthikeyan (4/24/2008)

    can we use master..spt_values table to avoid RBAR logic ?

    I looks like CBAC logic to me.

    Anyway, I've just knocked this up which should be a pretty efficient approach. It's not pretty (at all), has its limitations and could use more work, but it has it's uses...

    if object_id('dbo.p_TableColumnSummary') is not null drop proc dbo.p_TableColumnSummary


    create proc dbo.p_TableColumnSummary @TableName varchar(100) as


    declare @S varchar(8000)

    select @S = isnull(@s, '') + 'count([' + name + ']) as [' + name + '], ' from syscolumns where object_name(id) = @TableName and not type in (34, 35, 99) order by colid

    set @S = '

    if object_id(''tempdb.dbo.#t1'') is not null drop table #t1

    select ' + @S + 'count(*) as Count into #t1 from ' + @TableName

    set @S = @S + '

    declare @S varchar(8000)

    select @S = ''select ''''' + @TableName + ''''','' + cast(colid as varchar(10)) + '', '''''' + name + '''''', ['' + name + ''], Count - ['' + name + ''] from #t1 '' + + isnull(''union all '' + @S, '''') from tempdb.dbo.syscolumns where id = object_id(''tempdb.dbo.#t1'') and Name <> ''Count'' order by colid

    if not right(rtrim(@s), 3) = ''#t1'' set @S = left(@s, len(@s) - patindex(''%1t#%'', reverse(@s))+2) + '' ''

    select @S = ''select * from (select '''''''' as TableName, 0 as ColumnId, '''''''' as ColumnName, 0 as NumberOfNonNulls, 0 as NumberOfNulls) a where ColumnId = -1 union all '' + @S + ''order by ColumnId''

    print @S

    exec (@s)


    print @S

    exec (@s)



    Use like this for a single table...

    exec dbo.p_TableColumnSummary 'MyTable'

    Or like this for a multiple tables...

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t2') is not null drop table #t2

    create table #t2 (TableName sysname, ColumnId int, ColumnName sysname, NumberOfNonNulls int, NumberOfNulls int)

    insert #t2 exec dbo.p_TableColumnSummary 'Table1'

    insert #t2 exec dbo.p_TableColumnSummary 'Table2'

    insert #t2 exec dbo.p_TableColumnSummary 'Table3'

    select * from #t2

    You will need to write TBAT logic to do it for your whole database, say.

    Edit: Modified so won't error on large tables - it will just return what it can. This won't be a problem with varchar(max) in SQL 2005 - in SQL 2000 you could perhaps add a range for the colids and pass those as parameters.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • This will work for small databases in SQL 2000 (8000 characters is limiting here). Adapt to a loop for larger databases.

    declare @S varchar(8000) --use varchar(max) in SQL 2005

    select @S = isnull(@s, '') + 'insert #t2 exec dbo.p_TableColumnSummary ''' + name + '''' + char(10) from sysobjects where type in ('u', 'v') order by name

    select @S = @S + ' select * from #t2'

    print @S

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t2') is not null drop table #t2

    create table #t2 (TableName sysname, ColumnId int, ColumnName sysname, NumberOfNonNulls int, NumberOfNulls int)


    Edit: Mis-pasted

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Thanks a lot Ryan ! Really it opens my eyes broadly.

    CBAC - Context Based Access Control which is related to Network protocols.

    what do you mean by TBAT ? I am not sure just asking TBAT = TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US). am i correct ? Can u explain it ?


  • karthikeyan (4/25/2008)

    Thanks a lot Ryan ! Really it opens my eyes broadly.

    CBAC - Context Based Access Control which is related to Network protocols.

    what do you mean by TBAT ? I am not sure just asking TBAT = TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US). am i correct ? Can u explain it ?

    Much simpler than that - compare CBAC and TBAT to RBAR. Rows, Columns and Tables. And yes, I did make them up 🙂

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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