Finding .NET & MS SQL developer''s job in UK

  • I'm a .NET MS SQL developer looking for the job in UK. I'm not very much familiar with the way the developers get hired in UK cos I'm planing to relocate form the other EU country. It seems that the market is "controled" by employment agencies and they tend to screen my proposals off without a single email giving any feedback...

    What am I doing wrong?

    1) May it be that I'm hitting some kind of cultural specifics?

    2) Maybe my protfolio is wrong? But It seems that I have an up to date skills portfolio with MS SQL, XML, XSLT and .NET (C# or VB), ASP.NET and very strong knowledge of DHTML DOM for runtime html malipultions.

    3) May it be any other reason ?

    I'd appreciate any comments about job market specifics, demand, the portfolio, personality and references to reputable employment agencies.



  • Your biggest thing would be to get someone from the UK to read through your CV and get feedback on that. A lot of times the agencies won't really go through it and just scan it, if it doesn't read as they would expect you'll never get anywhere with them.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Thanks Nicholas!

    Can you recomend anyone from UK able to take a look and provide a feedback? I'd appreciate it very much!




  • I've not lived there in a few years, but I'll take a look see and give you an honest opinion.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • I think the key is..

    a) to ring up an agency before sending in your CV, requesting which person your CV should go to relevant to your skills

    b) send in your CV

    c) ring them up to ensure that they have received your CV, and ask them what they think and how you stand in the market, and whether there are any current vacancies you can be put forward for.

    I wouldn't (and don't) send in my cv without a chat first, and if I don't get a good feeling from the person I chat to, I don't send the CV in.

    If you simply send your CV in willy nilly then the chances are not much if anything will happen, but if you take a structured approach you should get better results.

    Don't know if it helps, but there's my tuppence...

    Andy Smith,

    Pembrokeshire, UK

  • You're right that recruitment is largely done via agencies, however they generally aren'y looking for CVs sent in 'on spec', but rather for CVs sent in for specific vacancies.

    The way to find these vacancies is to go to (they don't pay me, I just think they are the best) or somewher similar, and search for positions of interest. Each listing will include the agent's contact details - send them your CV (tailored to meet the job requirements) and a covering note - and then follow up by phone within a day or so.

    Note that (in my experience) many recruitment 'consultants' are to a greater or lesser degree lazy, stupid, and incompetent, so expect to have to talk through your CV, say things like "Yes, I have SQL Server admin skills like it says on my CV, Yes I have ASP.NET skills like it says on my CV" and so on, as the consultant works down his list of requirements ticking them off.

    Once you have satisfied the consultant, he will send your CV to his client - the employer - and the real business can start. Although still all your contact will be via the recruiter.

    I don't know why this is how things are done. But it is. Sometimes, companies will advertise directly - again, these ads can be found on jobserve and the like - but this is rare.

    Good luck!


  • I think you should move to the UK then start looking for work. Sounds risky but agencies look for an easy life and a fast buck and that doesn't include liaising with potential recruits in Italy.  Be warned, however, that leaves you exposed to another potential no-no - a gap in your CV. These always count against candidates but I have no idea why - you're not going to forget everything in 1 or 2 months.

    Unfortunately agencies have the IT employment scene pretty well stitched up. No idea why, imho they are totally useless (and they cost your employer 15% of you first year's salary!) 


  • I have got my last three jobs via so I would also recommend them (and they don't pay me either) and you can subscribe to their daily newletter.

    Don't think that you have to live in UK before getting offered a job here as you could probably have an overnight stay to go to an interview and flights to London or Luton (30 minutes by train to London) are cheap enough ( and, national cheap-ish accomodation:  You will probably earn more money nearer London but obviously the cost of living is likely to be more as well.

    Personally, I wouldn't send my CV to too many agents to start off with otherwise it may land on an employers desk multiple times and will just make you look desperate.  Also, I'd make it clear that you are happy to do telephone interviews - they may still want to meet you but a quick chat on the phone might prevent a (long) wasted journey.

    Hope that helps and let us know how you get on.

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