Find Who is NOT granted

  • i've got two tables, one a list of users, and another is a list of documents, and who has been "granted" access to document. I need the reverse of the information...for record1, who has not been "granted"

    and i can't seem to get my arms around the sql;

    here's sample data:


    create table #granted(grantedid int,grantedname varchar(30) )

    create table #temp(recid int ,recdescrip varchar(30) ,grantedid int)

    insert into #granted(grantedid,grantedname) values (1,'Lowell')

    insert into #granted(grantedid,grantedname) values (2,'Remi')

    insert into #granted(grantedid,grantedname) values (3,'Frank')

    insert into #granted(grantedid,grantedname) values (4,'Noel')

    insert into #temp(recid,recdescrip,grantedid) values(1,'rec1',1)

    insert into #temp(recid,recdescrip,grantedid) values(1,'rec1',2)

    insert into #temp(recid,recdescrip,grantedid) values(2,'rec2',2)

    insert into #temp(recid,recdescrip,grantedid) values(3,'rec3',2)

    insert into #temp(recid,recdescrip,grantedid) values(3,'rec3',3)

    insert into #temp(recid,recdescrip,grantedid) values(4,'rec4',4)

    --this shows who is explicitly granted

    select #temp.recid,




      from #temp

       inner join #granted on #temp.grantedid=#granted.grantedid

    order by recid,grantedname

    --how do i get the list that shows that Frank has NOT been granted access to records 1,2 and 4?

    --actually i want a list that shows for each document, who does not have access from #granted

    i can join tables on data where the elements have a relationship, but how do i show a "missing" relationship?




    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • You're missing a table in this design, should be :




    It takes all three of these tables to create this query.

  • the documents table exists, i guess i just didn't include in in the example for brevity;

    that may give me the kick in the pants i needed; i didn't think about additionally joining on the third table.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Maybe you should have used more xml to solve this problem .

  • I tried the alternate method, but the excess violence just caused me to replace the keyboard

    still trying to figure out; this sql gives all the possible combinations, but i still cannot figure out how to rip out the items that exist in the #temp table

    the missing join condition does cross join? i think?

    select distinct #temp.recid,




      from #temp,#granted

    order by recid,grantedname



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I either don't understand your design or there's a missing link.

    You need all 3 tables for this, the temp table is useless in this case to get that info (unless you might wanna use not in/exists), but you still need the base tables to create this one

  • Yes you need the cross join to get all the posible combinations and then left join to the the granted (third table that Remi is metioning)

    Something like:

    Select All.DocID, All.UserID

    from (select DocID, UserID

            from Docs cross join Users) All

     Left join Grants G on All.DocID = G.DocID and All.UserID = G.UserID

    where G.UserID IS NULL


    * Noel

  • Yup, that good old cartesian result .

  • Tricky little problem.  There were some interesting twists with the cross join.  Here's my whack at it (Although you've probably got it by now already):

    select x.recid, x.recdescrip, x.grantedid as NotGrantedToId, x.grantedname as NotGrantedToName



    select distinct b.recid, b.recdescrip, c.grantedid, c.grantedname


    #temp b

    cross join #granted c

    ) x

    left join #temp d

    on x.recid = d.recid

    and x.grantedid = d.grantedid

    where d.recid is null

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