Find tables referenced as input/output in stored procedures

  • Hello,

    I have a job that runs over 100 stored procedures daily. Each stored procedure has input tables and output tables.

    Just in case there is an issue and one of the stored procedures fails, I'd like to know what other stored procedures have a problem from the failure.

    There is a table that lists out the procedure name, table name and indicator (input table or output

    create table dbo.test_backup_20180507 (
            ID int identity(1,1),
            ProcName varchar(100),
            TableName varchar(100),
            TableType varchar(10))

    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 0','A','Input')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 0','A1','Output')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 0','A2','Output')

    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 1','A1','Input')           
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 1','B','Output')                <<< this stored procedure failed and table B and C didn't get created correctly.
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 1','C','Output')

    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 2','X','Input')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 2','X1','Output')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 2','X2','Output')

    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 3','C','Input')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 3','C1','Output')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 3','C2','Output')

    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 4','C2','Input')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 4','C3','Output')
    insert into dbo.test_backup_20180507 values ('Proc 4','C4','Output')

    Is there a way to find all the stored procedures that uses the output table from the failed stored procedure using a recursive query?

    In this case Proc 1 failed, so that output table B and C didn't get created correctly. Output table C is then used in Proc 3 and the output table of Proc 3 (which is C2) is used in Proc 4.

    So the output results from the recursive query should be.. when the failed procedure is Proc 1?

    ID    ProcName    TableName    TableType
    4    Proc 1    A1    Input
    5    Proc 1    B    Output                  <<< Proc 1 failed and table B and C didn't get created correctly.
    6    Proc 1    C    Output                
    10    Proc 3    C    Input
    11    Proc 3    C1    Output
    12    Proc 3    C2    Output
    13    Proc 4    C2    Input
    14    Proc 4    C3    Output
    15    Proc 4    C4    Output

    This results will tell me that after fixing Proc 1, I need to rerun Proc 3 and Proc 4

    Thank you for your help

  • I don't think you need recursion from this. But from the table you posted you have no way of ordering the rows so you couldn't know that A1 is correct. You need a way to know the order of tables being updated for a given procName.


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  • thanks for the reply. I ended up using a recursive stored procedure. See attached and let me know if you have any comments. Thanks again

  • Coconut - Tuesday, May 8, 2018 3:44 PM

    thanks for the reply. I ended up using a recursive stored procedure. See attached and let me know if you have any comments. Thanks again

    There is nothing attached.


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  • it looks like I can only post certain types of files. I posted the code instead. Sorry for the confusion.

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    -- STEP 1. Create input

    use EDW

    create table dbo.ProcTableList (
    ID int identity(1,1),
    ProcName varchar(100),
    TableName varchar(100),
    TableType varchar(10))

    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 0','A','Input')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 0','A1','Output')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 0','A2','Output')

    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 1','A1','Input')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 1','B','Output')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 1','C','Output')

    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 2','X','Input')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 2','X1','Output')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 2','X2','Output')

    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 3','C','Input')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 3','C1','Output')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 3','C2','Output')

    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 4','C2','Input')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 4','C3','Output')
    insert into dbo.ProcTableList values ('Proc 4','C4','Output')

    if object_id('dbo.p_Update_ProcTableList','P') is not null
        drop procedure dbo.p_Update_ProcTableList

    create procedure dbo.p_Update_ProcTableList (@ProcName varchar(100), @InputTable varchar(100), @OutputTable varchar(100))

        declare @ID int, @SQL nvarchar(max)

        if object_id('dbo.ProcTableList_FNL') is null

                -- drop table dbo.ProcTableList_FNL
                create table dbo.ProcTableList_FNL (
                    ID int identity(1,1),
                    ProcName varchar(100),
                    TableName varchar(100),
                    TableType varchar(10),
                    Processed char(1),
                    AuditInsertTimestamp datetime2(3) default getdate())

        set @SQL = 'Top of the lines'
        raiserror(@SQL,0,1) with nowait

        if (@ProcName is not null or @InputTable is not null or @OutputTable is not null)

                set @SQL = 'Initial Insert started'
                raiserror(@SQL,0,1) with nowait

                insert into dbo.ProcTableList_FNL (
                            case when a.TableType = 'Input' then 'Y' else 'N' end Processed
                    from dbo.ProcTableList a with (nolock)
                            a.ProcName = @ProcName or
                            a.TableName = @InputTable or
                            a.TableName = @OutputTable

                set @SQL = 'Initial Insert complete..' + cast(@@ROWCOUNT as varchar)
                raiserror(@SQL,0,1) with nowait

                exec dbo.p_Update_ProcTableList
                    @ProcName = null,
                    @InputTable = null,
                    @OutputTable = null

                set @SQL = 'Recursive started'
                raiserror(@SQL,0,1) with nowait

                if (select count(*) from dbo.ProcTableList_FNL a with (nolock) where a.Processed = 'N') > 0

                        select @ID = max(a.ID) from dbo.ProcTableList_FNL a with (nolock) where a.Processed = 'N'

                        set @SQL = 'Processing.. ' + cast(@ID as varchar)

                        raiserror(@SQL,0,1) with nowait

                        insert into dbo.ProcTableList_FNL (
                            from (
                                            case when a.TableType = 'Input' then 'Y' else 'N' end Processed
                                    from dbo.ProcTableList a with (nolock)
                                            a.ProcName in (
                                                            select distinct a.ProcName
                                                            from dbo.ProcTableList a with (nolock)
                                                            where a.TableName in (
                                                                                    from dbo.ProcTableList_FNL a with (nolock)
                                                                                            a.ID = @ID) and a.TableType = 'Input')) a
                            left join dbo.ProcTableList_FNL b on a.ProcName = b.ProcName and a.TableName = b.TableName and a.TableType = b.TableType
                                    b.ProcName is null

                        update a set a.Processed = 'Y'
                        from dbo.ProcTableList_FNL a
                                a.ID = @ID
                        exec dbo.p_Update_ProcTableList
                            @ProcName = null,
                            @InputTable = null,
                            @OutputTable = null


                        select * from dbo.ProcTableList_FNL order by 1

                        if object_id('dbo.ProcTableList_FNL') is not null
                            drop table dbo.ProcTableList_FNL



                set @SQL = 'Recursive completed'
                raiserror(@SQL,0,1) with nowait




    exec dbo.p_Update_ProcTableList
        @ProcName = 'Proc 1',
        @InputTable = null,
        @OutputTable = null


    select * from dbo.ProcTableList order by 1

    select * from dbo.ProcTableList_FNL order by 2

    truncate table dbo.ProcTableList_FNL


    ID ProcName TableName TableType
    4 Proc 1 A1 Input
    5 Proc 1 B Output <<< Proc 1 failed and table B and C didn't get created correctly.
    6 Proc 1 C Output
    10 Proc 3 C Input
    11 Proc 3 C1 Output
    12 Proc 3 C2 Output
    13 Proc 4 C2 Input
    14 Proc 4 C3 Output
    15 Proc 4 C4 Output


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