Find locations with MAX sales amount per customer

  • I have an invoice table with customer, date, sales location, and invoice total. I want to total the invoices by location by customer and see what location sells the most to each customer. My table looks like this.

    CustDate LocAmt

    A1/1/2014 1520

    A1/1/2014 1560

    A1/1/2014 2575

    A1/1/2014 3580

    B1/30/2014 15100

    B1/30/2014 15200

    B1/30/2014 2575

    B1/30/2014 25150

    B1/30/2014 35250

    I want to get this, because for customer A, location 35 had the largest SUM of sales and for customer B, location 15 had the largest SUM.




    If I have to use CTEs to get there, I can do that too. Just a little lost on how to get only the one location per customer.

  • jcobb 20350 (2/13/2015)

    I have an invoice table with customer, date, sales location, and invoice total. I want to total the invoices by location by customer and see what location sells the most to each customer. My table looks like this.

    CustDate LocAmt

    A1/1/2014 1520

    A1/1/2014 1560

    A1/1/2014 2575

    A1/1/2014 3580

    B1/30/2014 15100

    B1/30/2014 15200

    B1/30/2014 2575

    B1/30/2014 25150

    B1/30/2014 35250

    I want to get this, because for customer A, location 35 had the largest SUM of sales and for customer B, location 15 had the largest SUM.




    If I have to use CTEs to get there, I can do that too. Just a little lost on how to get only the one location per customer.

    Hi and welcome to the forums. I put your data together into something consumable. This is something you should do in the future. Not quite sure how you want your output here. For Cust A both Loc 15 and 35 have a sum of 80. Which one do you want? Or do you need both of them? Here is some code that is close but not exact due to the uncertainty of the desired output.

    with Something(Cust, MyDate, Loc, Amt)



    select 'A', CAST('1/1/2014' as DATE), 15, 20 union all

    select 'A', '1/1/2014', 15, 60 union all

    select 'A', '1/1/2014', 25, 75 union all

    select 'A', '1/1/2014', 35, 80 union all

    select 'B', '1/30/2014', 15, 100 union all

    select 'B', '1/30/2014', 15, 200 union all

    select 'B', '1/30/2014', 25, 75 union all

    select 'B', '1/30/2014', 25, 150 union all

    select 'B', '1/30/2014', 35, 250


    , SortedValues as


    select Cust

    , Loc

    , sum(Amt) as Amt

    , ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by Cust order by sum(Amt) desc) as RowNum

    from Something

    group by Cust, Loc


    select Cust

    , Loc

    , *

    from SortedValues

    --where RowNum = 1

    order by SortedValues.Cust


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  • Fantastic. I need to read up and understand the PARTITION BY a little more, but this did exactly what I needed. This is a snippet of what will be in the final query. Thanks so much.

    ; WITH Sales AS

    (SELECT h.customer_id AS 'Cust'

    , h.sales_location_id AS 'Loc'

    , SUM(h.total_amount) AS 'Total'

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY h.customer_id ORDER BY SUM(h.total_amount) DESC) AS RowNum

    FROM invoice_hdr h

    WHERE h.invoice_date BETWEEN '1-1-15' AND '1-31-15'

    AND h.customer_id IN (10720006, 10008601)

    GROUP BY h.sales_location_id

    , h.customer_id)

    SELECT Sales.Cust

    , Sales.Loc

    FROM Sales

    WHERE Sales.RowNum = 1

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