Fetching all the rows frm 2 tables based on a FK.

  • Hi,

    I have a stored procedure which reads all the contents of a table to display it in a datagrid.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_getTestRequest


    SELECT   [TestRequestNo],










    FROM TestRequest

    Now, for every record in this table, I want to fetch a record from a Table called Project.

    The field TestRequestNo is a PK in TestRequest table and FK in Project table.

    So I want to get the records from the Project table based on this key. So that when I display

    the data grid, all the TestRequest records with their respective Projects are displayed


    My problem is, when I state a query with the Where clause like this:

    WHERE Project.TestRequestNo = TestRequest.TestRequestNo

    it ony returns one record and not all the records.

    Wheres I want all the records returned at one time.

    Please guide me with this.



  • It sounds to me like you need something like this:

    SELECT   tr.[TestRequestNo],









      tr.[RequestedCompletionDate], p.*

    FROM TestRequest tr left join Project P on tr.TestRequestNo = P.TestRequestNo

    The left join ensures that records are returned from TestRequestNo, even if there is no matching record in Project.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi,

    Let me explain a little further...

    The point is that there are matching records.

    The Project table has a list of Projects and each TestRequest in the TestRequest table is asociated with a Project.

    So the ProjectId, PK of Project table is a FK in TestRequest.

    Now I want the output in a way that...the query should return...

    all the TestRequests and for each TestRequest it should return the Project it is associated with. So the result should be the following columns:

    TestRequestNo, TestFolderNo,..etc fields of TestRequest,ProjectId of that TestRequest

    I hope I did clarify it now


  • OK - I think I was on the right track except for the JOIN:

    CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_getTestRequest

    AS SELECT   tr.[TestRequestNo],









      tr.[RequestedCompletionDate], p.*

    FROM TestRequest tr left join Project P on tr.ProjectID = P.ProjectID

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi,

    This was right on target !!!!

    The output is exactly in the way I wanted it.

    Thanks a lot !!!


  • Snigdha,

    If everything that you have said is true then it seems you have a confusing table structure.

    First post:

    "The field TestRequestNo is a PK in TestRequest table and FK in Project table."

    Second post:

    "So the ProjectId, PK of Project table is a FK in TestRequest."

    So you have one to many relationships going in both directions between the tables. This is probably not the correct structure of your data.

    Either the structure is different from the way you stated it, or your structure is wrong.



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